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RUT wont connect through VPN

... this uninstallation guide - this will help you to clean up all the configuration files, so when you reinstall Remote Utilities, the settings will be reset to the default values. As for the connection - perhaps, the issue might be occurring if the VPN software is blocking ports that are required to be opened for Internet-ID connection or blocking access to our Internet-ID servers. Please make sure that outbound TCP ports 5655 or 443 are opened on the remote Host machine, so it's able to communicate ...

RUT wont connect through VPN

Author: Peter Curley. OS: WIN 10 PRO - RUT: Host and Viewer: - VPN: Windscribe Pro ver 1.83 Build 20 - all are UTD About 2 months ago my Bell Fibe connection died due to a dirty box out on the street. This was fixed but ever since RUT will not connect through the VPN. This problem is consistent with all 5 PC's ...

VPN on remote PC

Author: Conrad Sallian. Hello Martin, Thank you for your message. If there is VPN connection between Viewer and Host you can connect directly using the VPN IP address of the remote Host. You don't have to use the Internet-ID connection.

VPN on remote PC

Author: Martin Bakker. Windows 10 not sure if a previous question hinted at this, my remote PC mainly connects to the internet via a VPN, when it does response lags 2 - 3 secs (not like the competition) can this be remedied ?

What about VPN?

Author: Conrad. Hello Cristian, Thank you for your suggestion. This capability is on our wish list albeit not among the nearest priorities. Still, it well may be that at some point in the future there'll be Remote Utilities VPN too. Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.

What about VPN?

Author: Cristian Braun. I know its not what this software is meant to do but.. What about a VPN Server capability? You know.. like "the competition"

Repeated disconnections, only with Public Server, Internet-ID

... Manuel Lopez. This is only on windows 11. I always connect, but then I see repeated disconnections when connected to a remote win11 pc. This occurs ONLY when using the public server Internet-Id service (not when using direct connection, with or without a vpn). The drop is automatic when I switch between apps on the remote computer. I audited the firewall but it shows no dropped packets, blocked ports, or other issues (e.g. it shows successful connection on port 5655). Other remote programs I tested ...

Help, all connections are showing offline

Author: Jorge Gárate. On some remote computers I could connect with the Remote Utilities ID, but using IP from another VPN (Hamachi), and on another remote computer Remote Utilities Host is not active and does not show an error

Just an Update Info

... service or exit the system tray icon and restart and can access another machine for about 15 minutes. Then it stops working again. When on-site, it's not a huge deal. When off-site, it's a big deal because I can't get to machines. I just use a VPN and use VNC internally from a jump box now. I tried a VM, physical machine, removed our AV, fresh install, etc.. I have issues with all of them. Even when they show online, when I try to connect, I can't.

Direct Connection stops working

Author: Wences Laus Wenny. I have been using Direct Connection via VPN to connect to multiple hosts located in another city. No issues seen for last one 9 months. Now I'm unable to connect to those PCS using Direct Connection. Nothing has changed in the network or on the machines. The 5650 port is still open on VPN. ...