paulurey Urey's community posts

Viewer unable to connect to remote hosts since moving to Virginmedia

paulurey Urey, User (Posts: 7)
Nov 29, 2019 12:51:41 pm EST
I have resent the information.

I have just tried with a free license, exactly the same issue.

Viewer unable to connect to remote hosts since moving to Virginmedia

paulurey Urey, User (Posts: 7)
Nov 29, 2019 9:07:20 am EST
Did you receive the requrested info?

I have been doing more tests which seem to prove the issue lies with the license key. This is what I have done.

Built a clean image PC. Installed Remote Utilities Viewer on it with no license key. Works perfectly with an imported address file. Inserted my licnse key, now can't see on-line hosts.

Viewer unable to connect to remote hosts since moving to Virginmedia

paulurey Urey, User (Posts: 7)
Nov 27, 2019 4:53:13 am EST
Followed your instructions, which appears to be getting to the route of the problem. These are my findings:

1. After deleting the config_4.xml then reloading the viewer, I could see on-line hosts. Clicking an on-line host, allows login but then a message saying the license had expired. I inserted my license key and then has able to control the host. Closed the viewer down and reloaded it, I then couldn't see on-line hosts or login to any and take control..

2. After deleting the config_4.xml then reloading the viewer, I could see on-line hosts. I inserted my license key, clicked on an on-line host. Failed to login to the host. Exiting the viewer then reloading it, I couldn't see any on-line hosts.

It looks like it is related to the config_4.xml and license key that is causing the issue.

Hope this helps.

Viewer unable to connect to remote hosts since moving to Virginmedia

paulurey Urey, User (Posts: 7)
Nov 26, 2019 2:14:33 pm EST
Yes, pinging I get a reply.

The host which is on the same PC as the viewer can be seen in the viewer on a PC on a remote network (i.e at home). The viewer on the same PC's can sometime see hosts that we were able to connect to remotely, but if you try to connect when a host is seen as on-line from this PC on the Virgin Media broadband fals to connect and goes off-line to the viewer.

A real strange one this is! There must be something on the Virgin Media network that is causing the issue. Unfortunately, they have said they cannot help as they do not nkow your application.

[censored] works perfectly!

Viewer unable to connect to remote hosts since moving to Virginmedia

paulurey Urey, User (Posts: 7)
Nov 26, 2019 11:00:07 am EST
Virgin Media assure me that the ports are not blocked. What is the public servers address? I will check I can ping it.

Viewer unable to connect to remote hosts since moving to Virginmedia

paulurey Urey, User (Posts: 7)
Nov 25, 2019 5:09:48 am EST
Hi Conrad,

Yes, the issue is on the viewer side since changing ISP. I've tried flushing DNS, but the problem stil exists.

Viewer unable to connect to remote hosts since moving to Virginmedia

paulurey Urey, User (Posts: 7)
Nov 24, 2019 7:44:17 am EST
We have recently moved offices and changed broadband provider from TalkTalk to Virgin Media. We were able to connect to remote hosts on TalkTalk but not now on Virgin Media, same PC, same router, just different broadband supplier.

Hosts on our local network (Virgin Media broadband) are shown On-Line in a viewer  connected via and different supplier (i.e. EE) and can be remotely accesssed. Therefore, there is no connetivity issues for hosts on the Virgin Media network from the outside world. The issue solely lies with the viewer when connected to the internet by our Virgin Media broadband connection.

We have had lengthy conversations with Virgin Media support who repeatedly say they do not block any ports on their network. We have even upgraded our contract to have multiple Static IP Addresses so their router could be put into modem only mode. Our Draytek router, which we had on the TalkTalk network, the viewer worked fine, has the same firewall configuration now it is on the Virgin Media network.

We would appreciate any help in getting this issue resolved, as Remote Utilities is a major tool we use to support our remote customers.

Kind regards