David Tr's community posts

Bug: Deleting client using viewer not syncing to RU local Server

David Tr, User (Posts: 3)
Feb 26, 2019 11:17:45 pm EST

Deleting a connection in the Viewer also deletes it in the Server Address book manager.

Viewer is Portable version in trial mode.
Can I provide you some kind of debug log, or show you the problem?

Yes sorry by client I meant Host in the RU context.

Also please clarify how do you perform the Server restart

Was using the windows service manager to stop/restart the Remote Utilities server, but used your admin dialog with this testing.

 - 26 Feb 2019 11:10:19

Only way to delete the item from the (sync'd to server) address book is using the servers Address book manager.

Regarding this issue: do you have the auto-import feature enabled?

That was the 2nd issue, once I updated the auto-import server URL it was acting as expected.
Edited:David Tr - Feb 26, 2019 11:26:46 pm EST

Bug: Deleting client using viewer not syncing to RU local Server

David Tr, User (Posts: 3)
Feb 26, 2019 1:35:40 am EST
Definitely the RU server (and it's address book) is holding onto the old DNS name (somehow restoring the connections old settings) and not updating from the client even though it's deleted from the server and verified gone before reinstalling.

After all the above:
Checked host properties URL for Internet-ID Connection Settings...: Shows new URL
Under server address book manager | Edit connection | Connection tab | Shows Internet-ID Server: old URL
Viewer shows the same information as the RU Server connection

Bug: Deleting client using viewer not syncing to RU local Server

David Tr, User (Posts: 3)
Feb 26, 2019 1:25:01 am EST
RU Server: v2.7.6.0 [2760]
RU Viewer: v6.10.5.0

Testing sync status, renaming the name of the client in viewer shows the rename in the server address book manager verifying sync is working.

Deleting a client in the Viewer, client is left in the Address book manager in the local server.

Restarting local RU server makes no difference.


There is a 2nd bug, but I think it's related to this same issue.

Did initial testing using one DNS name for the local hosted server. I've since changed to a different name.

Close local viewer.
Open RU Server Address book manager
Delete client
restart RU Server
Verify client isn't in Address book manager.
Uninstall Host and manually delete Reg key and folder per: https://www.remoteutilities.com/support/docs/installing-and-uninstalling/
Make new One-click installer with the new URL to Local Internet-ID. Create new ID and replace existing ID both enabled.
When it re-registers in the RU server the viewer is reporting (under the Connection type) the old DNS name instead of the new one.