Tobias Mueller's community posts

Keyboard for RU-App on Iphone iOS 12.1.4 does not show up

Tobias Mueller, User (Posts: 2)
Mar 08, 2019 1:30:24 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
Fine! Would be nice to use your app from iPhone.

Keyboard for RU-App on Iphone iOS 12.1.4 does not show up

Tobias Mueller, User (Posts: 2)
Mar 08, 2019 5:55:58 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
The keyboard does not show up after putting in the internet-ID (hear the keyboard does show up). Thus there is no possibility to put in the password.

I did the following:
1. Open the system tray and right-click on the Host icon. In the drop-down menu choose Settings for Host...
2. In Host Configuration Settings go to the tab General - Dashboard. Make sure that you have a Single password method enabled as one of the Authorization methods. Click Configure...
3. Disable the Single password authorization by deselecting the checkbox:

4. Open the same configuration settings window: General - Dashboard - Authorization method - Configure…
Enable the Single password authorization method and click Change password…
Set a new password.

Didn't work!