IT IT's community posts

Please remove extra connections

IT IT, User (Posts: 1)
Jun 06, 2019 10:09:09 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Viewer Version:
Host Version:
Viewer OS: Windows Server 2012 r2
Host OS: Windows 10 pro

I have the free version and I installed the software on more than 10 computers so I tried to remove 4 installs as I went over the license limit. I followed the uninstall guide and removed the registry keys as well as the folders located under C:\ProgramFiles(x86) but I am still getting the error when I try to connect via the viewer.

I do not understand how I still have more than 10 connections? I have deleted all the connections fr om my address book and now only have a single computer added to my viewer but I am still getting the message that I have reached the lim it? What can I do to reset the number of connections and start again?
