Alan Godfrey's community posts

status: connection not available

Alan Godfrey, User (Posts: 3)
May 05, 2020 8:16:57 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
I would never have found it...  Thank you.

status: connection not available

Alan Godfrey, User (Posts: 3)
May 04, 2020 2:17:00 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Ha! Inspired by this thread and a previous awful experience with TalkTalk and another remote access program, and the fact that the RU server wouldn't ping, I set my DNS server to be Google's (others are available, of course, and I'll possibly change it to Cloudflare's ), and instantly it worked.
Thanks for nothing, TalkTalk.

Hope that helps someone.  (Still can't see how to start a new topic: sorry.  Maybe need to see SpecSavers.)

status: connection not available

Alan Godfrey, User (Posts: 3)
May 04, 2020 12:50:49 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Sorry to butt into this thread, but could someone help me by showing me the button to raise a new topic of my own, please?

(Actually my question is the same as this topic.  I have two PCs inside my network. I can connect from one to the other using the local 192.x.x.x address, but the Status for Internet ID shows on both 'Connection not available'.  I have installed with my AV turned off.  I have no software firewall, and the Windows Firewall is turned off on both PCs.  (Prior to turning them off completely I added the relevant ports to the Firewall Rules).
I have flushed the DNS.  I believe I have completed everything in the KB page that is linked in the previous answer.  My log file shows:

'Cannot connect to remote server: Address:; Port: 443; Socket Error # 11004 (EIdSocketError'

Having gone through the KB list, and turned off the firewalls, I'm a bit stuck.  All suggestions gratefully received.)