Clodomiro Berzelius's community posts

SCAMMERS use this software, shame on you

Clodomiro Berzelius, User (Posts: 3)
Feb 13, 2021 8:37:26 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
And don't bother helping me. I just flattened my relative's PC with a fresh image install. Now just go back to the bloody drawing board, write a nice UX Flow Chart and THINK what you can do to put warnings and signals. SHAME on you.

Just hacked through your program 5 days ago; NEED HELP

Clodomiro Berzelius, User (Posts: 3)
Feb 13, 2021 8:34:21 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
This is not good enough. You NEED to make your program safer, or you deserve to be shamed all over the internet, or marked as a malware forever. Your program is IDEAL for scammers.

SCAMMERS use this software, shame on you

Clodomiro Berzelius, User (Posts: 3)
Feb 13, 2021 8:29:56 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
A close relative of mine has been a victim of a scammer from India. And after some research, I landed on some videos like the one below and discovered scammers from India installed the RU host app without their knowledge. I am furious.

Competitors like  [censored] and [censored] are bad enough, only slightly less since they ramped up their safety warnings, but this software allows scammers to cease control of a victim's computer in a completely covert manner, running on startup... and without admin login!  I'm sure there are legit ways in which these features are used (I have a hard time thinking what) but there could be ways to keep them without catering to the needs of Scammers. The developers should feel ashamed of themselves and solve UX nightmare IMMEDIATELY. More info on the video below.