
Video Hook Drivers

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Matthew Cooper, User (Posts: 42)
Jan 04, 2022 12:38:10 am EST
Does RU make use of a video hook driver? in addition to RU, I use an alternate product that is able to maintain a remote screen display through the Startup, Shutdown, Logoff, Switch User processes.

For example, the alternate product is able to display the remote screen "Preparing Windows" and similar screens on booting PCs [before the login screen has shown].
Likewise with shutdown, I can see see all the way to "Windows is Shutting Down".

With RU, I loose the remote screen the second I click shutdown. When logging off or switching users, the display freezes in place for 5-15 seconds before showing the logon screen.

When the PC is booting, even though RU will start to connect, I only see the splash image until the login screen is ready.

Along with the more reliable display, the video speed is both faster and produces better image quality.

Is there anything on the horizon in this area?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3022)
Jan 05, 2022 1:36:29 pm EST
Hello Matthew,

Video hook drivers are actually an outdated technology. Here is from Microsoft .

Matthew Cooper, User (Posts: 42)
Jan 05, 2022 4:55:58 pm EST
Thanks Conrad.

On the basis that my understanding of the mechanics of a remote access system are quite limited, which they are, is there any way to achieve a more accurate view of the remote screen?

For example, there are times when working remotely, I click on the Start Menu of the machine, it appears to respond to my mouse click, however, no menu appears.
Initially I thought this was an issue on the remote computer, however, I have since learned that if I connect using my alternate product, I can see the start menu, even though RU is not able to display it.

This particular issue is not common, it happens only randomly, but coupled with the loosing of display during logon/logoff etc. is what makes me ask the question.

Overall, I feel that the remote screen display has room for improvement, if video hook drivers are not the answer, is there a better way?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3022)
Jan 06, 2022 1:42:41 pm EST
Hi Matthew,

Some programs that you mention employ automatic performance adjustment depending on the network speed and the remote CPU load. So the image can be optimized even though it's not immediately visible to the eye.

Unfortunately, Remote utilities lacks such ability so far so you should manually tweak performance settings. They are listed in this KB article . Specifically, the color depth, economode and visual effects.

Hope that helps.
Matthew Cooper, User (Posts: 42)
Jan 06, 2022 9:59:16 pm EST
Thanks Conrad, I cannot say if my other software has this auto adjustment system as I simply do not know, and while that might explain the inability for me to use Menus through RU on occasion, the bigger issue for me is the loss of screen during the logon / logoff & startup/showdown processes as described.

I have also tested using Legacy Capture mode but that does not change any behaviour that I can see.

Essentially, I would like the remote screen to show me exactly what is happening at all times, is this not possible with RU?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3022)
Jan 07, 2022 11:21:31 am EST
Hi Matthew,

Essentially, I would like the remote screen to show me exactly what is happening at all times, is this not possible with RU?

Unfortunately, no. RU doesn't support screencapture on the low/hardware level.


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