
Host Off line all the time.

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David Tucker, User (Posts: 4)
Oct 18, 2021 2:51:26 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Version The client used to work for 3 months and now will not connect to the server Host. In the host log file it seems to have the redirect ok and the count is 1. I have installed the viewer on another computer with the same issue. Also I have changed the intern-id on the server but no go. Also I have checked the firewall as well as the required processes running on the server. really weird since I have been using the free license for 3 months now and no issues at all. any ideas would be appreciated. David T
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2922)
Oct 18, 2021 5:04:38 pm EDT
Hello David,

Thank you for your message.

We've already checked the log files you've provided over the email. Am I right in assuming that you're located in Australia? If this is the case then could you please let us know what is the ISP that is used in networks where the issue occurs (especially where the Viewer machine is located)?

In addition, please try switching your Viewer machine to another network (i.e. connecting it to the Internet using another ISP or even the mobile internet) and see if you're able to connect to your Hosts or see them online this way? This will help to isolate the issue more in order to understand if it might be occurring on the ISP's side or somewhere else.

Looking forward to your reply.
David Tucker, User (Posts: 4)
Oct 18, 2021 7:21:51 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hi Polina
made a little progress. I asked another member to use the trail version of the Viewer ( which had passed the 30 day trial period) and they were able to see the server has being logged on.  enclose the image they sent through. His ISP was Telstra ( yes we are in Australia). Now my ISP is Internode ( owned by TPG and iinet). so the question is whether or not it is the ISP blocking or my viewer. I re-installed the viewer before and that made no difference and I tried an install on another computer ( using the same ISP provider) had had no luck ie OFFLine. seems to me it might be the ISP provider. But my understanding is that if the port 5655 is blocked RU client should use port 443 which is open. any advice would be appreciated.
Kind regards David T
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Host Off line all the time.
David Tucker, User (Posts: 4)
Oct 18, 2021 7:54:20 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hi Poina
an update. My ISP provider does not block port 5655. I have disabled my WiFi and connected to my phone ie using as a 4G hot spot to eliminate my ISP provider ( my phone uses another ISP) and still the client is Offline. So I have my windows 7 original viewer computer ( with the free license) offline to the RU host and also my windows 10 computer running the trial version offline.  Not sure what to do next. Had it been my windows 7 computer then why would my windows 10 one running the trail version say the same thing ie Off-Line.
David Tucker, User (Posts: 4)
Oct 18, 2021 9:37:08 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hi Polina
Finally have it working. I have reset my modem to factory settings etc. Now it is working. unbelieveable. The modem was blocking it. why this should have happened when naught was changed in the modem I have no idea. Many thanks for your help. Great product and great help. now to other issues not realted to RU
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2922)
Oct 19, 2021 11:53:51 am EDT
Hello David,

I'm glad to hear it works for you now!

We believe that the issue was definitely caused by something on the ISP's side (most likely they were  temporarily blocking access to our servers by mistake) since we've had other users who had reported similar issues with the same ISP as well. A couple of those users reported about the issue to the TPG/iiNet and they've restored the access to our servers. You can learn more about the issue in this Community thread.

Please feel free to let us know if you have more questions.

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