
Switch to "View Only" from Host

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Greg Sullivan, User (Posts: 12)
Jan 08, 2022 1:25:43 pm EST
Support level: Starter
I apologize if this functionality already exists and I've overlooked it.

It would be useful to be able to switch a remote session back to View Only fr om the host.

I have encountered a few scenarios wh ere this would be valuable, but here's one example:  I have a remote system on the other side of the building that I use between direct physical access and as a remote connection.  Sometimes I forget to switch back to "View only" before leaving the remote viewer.  Then, 15 minutes later, standing in front of the actual computer, I'm fighting with the "noisy" mouse on the other end of the remote "Full control" connection and the pointer is driving me insane.  :)

If I could just do something like an Alt-F12 at the host side to switch the remote session back to "View Only" without having to go back to the remote viewer on the other side of the building.  And without resorting to pulling the network cable or power cycling at the host.

- Greg
Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3022)
Jan 10, 2022 8:10:05 am EST
Hi Greg,

I understand what you mean. Unfortunately, there is no feature that would do exactly what you describe.

However, somewhere close to it would be to enable the notification panel on the Host and simply click the X button on it whenever you want the remote session to terminate.

Hope that helps.
Greg Sullivan, User (Posts: 12)
Jan 11, 2022 11:02:21 am EST
Support level: Starter
Hi Conrad,

Thanks for that suggestion.  I'll look into it for the scenario I describe.

I do have a slightly different [and common] scenario where using the notification panel would be less convenient than the requested feature.

I have a few connections where I'm remotely monitoring a system in parallel with on-site personnel.  Either one of us are frequently stepping in and briefly interacting with the desktop.  When not interacting, I'm watching the remote desktop from across the office.

Having to reconnect after being disconnected via the notification panel would be inconvenient - perhaps that would train me to do a better job of switching to "View only" when done.

Maybe a more easily implemented alternative, or additional feature request, would be to have an option on the viewer to automatically fall back to "view only" after a configurable period of inactivity.  Though this might not work well in my "noisy mouse" situation.

Thanks for the terrific software!

- Greg
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2853)
Jan 11, 2022 3:44:35 pm EST
Hello Greg,

Thank you for your suggestion.

I will forward the feature suggestion to our development department for a review to see if we can implement it in our future updates.
Meanwhile, we already have some similar features in our wishlist. Namely, a feature that will display a remote Host's idle time in the address book. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any specific ETA on this feature yet.

Please let us know if you have other questions.
john kumpf, User (Posts: 85)
Jul 30, 2022 3:28:23 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
For what it's worth, 6 months later, I have also experienced this phenomena of fighting with the noisy mouse.

For me, it's often when I am trying to solve a problem remotely, and then have to go on-site to solve it. And I leave the session active back at the office.

Another possible idea for a solution--and other remote support programs work this way--is that movement of the local mouse temporarily inhibits remote control. You'd want the remote user to be able to get it back either by moving their mouse, or clicking on something. There is already a "Lock the host's mouse and keyboard" in Advanced settings. What I'm requesting would be somewhat the opposite, lock (temporarily) the viewer's mouse and keyboard.
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2853)
Aug 01, 2022 1:41:41 pm EDT
Hello John,

Thank you for your message and provided feedback.

We'll see what can be done about this issue in our future updates. Meanwhile, please try switching your Viewer to the View Only connection mode - this will ensure that the cursor is not moving on the Viewer's side when you need to work at the Host's machine.
You can quickly switch to the View Only mode directly within the remote session window using the corresponding icon on the Toolbar as described here or use the Alt + F12 keyboard shortcut to switch between modes.

Hope that helps.

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