
Restricted Cusor Movement on Host

Lou Smith, User (Posts: 9)
Jan 21, 2015 6:45:23 pm EST
Is there some combination of settings that will allow both the remote and host cursors to function at the same time?

I frequently use a connection for teaching and the host user is unable to use their cursor unless the remote cursor is moved completely off screen.

I've tried about every combination of settings I can see and there's still no joy.

Thank you.

Lou Smith

PS - Overall... RU is EXCELLENT!
Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3013)
Jan 21, 2015 7:23:52 pm EST
Hello Lou,

Thank you for your message.

Is there some combination of settings that will allow both the remote and host cursors to function at the same time?

Is the remote cursor blocked when the local cursor is being moved? They should move and work both. In fact, both users - local and remote - compete for the same cursor.

Seeing both cursors on the local (admin) side is a different thing though. By default only the local cursor is rendered, but you can see both cursors. In order to do that, go to Connection Properties -> Cursor -> Rendering of Host's cursor - > "Always".

Please, note that moving the local cursor will move the remote cursor, but not the other way around.

Let me know if I understood you properly, or if you meant a different thing.

Lou Smith, User (Posts: 9)
Dec 02, 2016 5:17:10 pm EST
The issue is that if I fail to move my cursor totally off screen (to my 2nd monitor), the client can move the cursor but it snaps back to wherever my cursor is if I've failed to move it off screen.
Conrad, Support (Posts: 3013)
Dec 03, 2016 3:53:03 am EST
Hello Lou,

This can happen if you still move (or accidentally move) your cursor. So long as you do no move it the remote side can move their cursor without the snapping effect.

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