
Logon successfully to remote Agent, but only get black screen

merphy huang, User (Posts: 2)
Feb 01, 2013 12:53:00 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
1. I have installed GMS on PC-1 use port 25
2. I run Agent on PC-2, set the Internet ID through PC-1,
 (PC-2 is under firewall block almostly all other private port)
 I can see the PC-2 connections in PC-A GMS Administration
3. I run viewer on PC-3 (other Internet PC)and add PC-2 that set the Internet ID through PC-1
 then, I Logon to PC-2, It seems have successful connection and popup to ask password, I   enter the right password and popup a window but only got black screen and can not do any   remote control???
4. the strange is when I use microsoft remote desktop to login to PC-2 uner PC-2's local network, at this time, PC-3 can control the PC-2 and not black screen any more??  
I diconnect the microsoft remote desktop, then PC-3 become black screen again , why ?
Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3023)
Feb 01, 2013 8:24:58 am EST
Hi Merphy,

Try to restart the remote PC (PC-2).
nikkil, User (Posts: 46)
Feb 03, 2013 8:44:31 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
First thing that you need to eliminate for me is the firewall. Have you tried turning it off at both sides and see if it makes a difference?
Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3023)
Feb 04, 2013 11:56:13 am EST
It can be a corporate firewall which cannot be turned off by the user. The advantage of GMS is that it allows you to use a single port not blocked my most corporate firewalls, such as port 443. But you need to manually set that port in the GMS settings first, because it's not by default.
merphy huang, User (Posts: 2)
Feb 20, 2013 9:14:55 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
Finally... my problem have resolved. thanks Conrad and nikkil !!
It seems that PC-2 should install Host and have to restart to get steady-going..
if I just run Agent on PC-2(restart still not ok), I will see PC-2 usually changed status from on line and off line on PC-1 GMS windows. even when on connect between PC-2 and PC-3, it only get black screen and can't do any remote control.
Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3023)
Feb 20, 2013 11:08:56 pm EST

if I just run Agent on PC-2(restart still not ok), I will see PC-2 usually changed status from on line and off line on PC-1 GMS windows. even when on connect between PC-2 and PC-3, it only get black screen and can't do any remote control.

Agent is for a different purpose than Host. You would want to use Agent for spontaneous, or even one-time support. You need someone sitting at the remote PC to run the Agent and tell you their ID and password. Once they close the Agent, the remote session stops.

Everything you can do with Agent you can also do with the Host, plus some features not available in Agent, such as starting as a system service.

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