[resolved] wake on lan windows 8.1 pc

Does it wake to a fully operational state (i.e. the discs are working and the monitor lights up)?
Also, can the IP address change after wake-up? For example, if the DHCP server is used in the network and the PCs receive IP addresses dynamically.

A more specific question - is that issue with Windows 8.1 only? Can you wake up and connect to other editions (e.g. 7, Vista, XP)?

Desktop computer with Windows 8.1 installed, including recent updates.
Motherboard: Asus P5QSEPlus with "Power on by PCI devices" enabled in Bios Settings.
Network card: integrated, with "Shut down WoL", "Wake on magic packet" and "Allow this device to wake the computer" enabled in the properties.
There is a wired connection to another computer via a router. Both computers are on the same subnet. Wake on LAN goes without a hitch, even from the shut down state. Once the computer is woken up, Remote Utilities can be established right away.
Please, check if Remote Utilities service starts after waking up and if anything prevents the service from operating. Maybe some security settings, permissions or antivirus software activity.
when I send wake on lan to 8.1 pc the system wakes, yes monitor and login screen are fully working. the system is on dhcp but the ip doesn't change. I use hostname to connect not ip (name resolution is ok) the service is started after waking up but if I restart the service and then try to connect it works, but I need to restart the service first even though its already started.
unfortunately I decided to go back to windows 7 and reinstall windows 7 on that pc... to be honest if you say you don't have issues and/or cant reproduce this specific issue, I believe you. its probably something with the operating system. there are lots of issues I see with windows 8 and 8.1 not related to remote utilites so its most likely a Microsoft issue or some other OS related issue. I have issues with some drivers, built in video app, homegroup anomalies, skydrive integration etc... windows 8 and 8.1 in my opinion is a POS.
but I do love remote utilites. works great on all my other pc's

Hello Michael,Michael Taylor wrote:
yes the issue is with 8.1 only, this pc used to have windows 7 and worked fine. it have since installed windows 8 and 8.1 (performed fresh installs not upgrade). I can wake up all my other windows 7 pc's without a problem.
when I send wake on lan to 8.1 pc the system wakes, yes monitor and login screen are fully working. the system is on dhcp but the ip doesn't change. I use hostname to connect not ip (name resolution is ok) the service is started after waking up but if I restart the service and then try to connect it works, but I need to restart the service first even though its already started.
unfortunately I decided to go back to windows 7 and reinstall windows 7 on that pc... to be honest if you say you don't have issues and/or cant reproduce this specific issue, I believe you. its probably something with the operating system. there are lots of issues I see with windows 8 and 8.1 not related to remote utilites so its most likely a Microsoft issue or some other OS related issue. I have issues with some drivers, built in video app, homegroup anomalies, skydrive integration etc... windows 8 and 8.1 in my opinion is a POS.
but I do love remote utilites. works great on all my other pc's
As a last resort, try to reinstall the Host altogether, the newest version ( Who knows, maybe that will resolve the issue since I can't imagine what it might be that causes it.
thanks again..
I'm wondering if the service needs to periodically refresh itself to wake up whatever dependencies might still be asleep.

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