
Reinstalling my License key in RU Viewer

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Russell Smith, User (Posts: 3)
Mar 02, 2021 3:05:15 pm EST
I manged to update my RU viewer to while trying to update a single PC. Now my viewer is telling me my trial is up and to purchase a new license. I have already purchased the license but do not have the original *.rlicense file. I do have the license in tex6 format. How do I save the text license into a .rlicense file to re-enter it back into my viewer? Thank you for any help.
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2889)
Mar 02, 2021 4:07:04 pm EST
Hello Russell,

Thank you for your message.

I see that you've closed the ticket you've previously created, so I'll reply here to avoid duplication. Please use this form to upgrade your license key and generate a .rlicense file for version 7 of Remote Utilities.
After upgrading your license key, you can register your Viewer following this tutorial.

Hope that helps.
Christopher Morris, User (Posts: 3)
May 17, 2021 7:01:26 am EDT
Support level: Starter
Upgraded to version 7 - But can not find my license key, License key storage shows me as having none.
Logging into my account does not allow me to recover the license - Was working fine this morning first thing, now I can not get onto my remote sites - going to get fairly urgent - very soon. Please help.
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2889)
May 17, 2021 12:29:15 pm EDT
Hello Christopher,

Thank you for your message.

Please note that the license key for version 6.x.x.x is incompatible with version 7.x.x.x of Remote Utilities. According to our Upgrade Policy our customers who purchased the key within a year back from the new version release date (i.e. within the years 2020-2021) are eligible for a free license key upgrade. Customers who purchased their license more than a year ago (earlier than 2020) are eligible for paid upgrade only, although with a 50% discount.

There are three options:

1. Check if your version 6 key is eligible for a free upgrade to version 7 using this form. You can then proceed upgrading your license key and use it to register in your Viewer

2. If you are only eligible for a paid upgrade (50% discount guaranteed to existing customers) and decide to purchase an upgrade key, use the same upgrade form linked above and proceed to the Checkout. Once you receive your purchase key, register your Viewer 7.x.x.x with it.

3. Finally, if you do not want to upgrade you can keep using version 6 and your existing license key forever. If you have already upgraded your Viewer to version 7.x.x.x you can uninstall it and reinstall Viewer 6.x.x.x by downloading it from this page.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Christopher Morris, User (Posts: 3)
May 17, 2021 1:10:14 pm EDT
Support level: Starter
I am happy to go up to 7.0 . The only problem is that I can not find a the license txt file to copy across.
And I can not unload a license copy from the recover lost license bit.

I am about to port across to a new PC (my old one is getting very tiered) but the last thing in the process is to move your system over.

Am I just going to have to bite the bullet and start again with a new License?


Pauline, Support (Posts: 2889)
May 17, 2021 3:37:30 pm EDT
Hello Christopher,

Thank you for the clarification.

Do you mean that you don't have your current license file in *txt format and cannot use the Recover Lost Key form, correct? If this is the case, then could you please send us an email to from the email address that you've used when purchasing your current key or, if you currently don't have an access to this email, then simply mention it in your email. We will try to locate your license key in our database and assist you with recovering it.

Looking forward to your reply.
Christopher Morris, User (Posts: 3)
May 20, 2021 10:11:12 am EDT
Support level: Starter
Bugger this,
I have given up trying to recover the license. I have already spent too much time and cost trying to sort this out.

I'll just bite the bullet, pay for a new license and get on with my life, while having a good 'winge' about it.  


Must not forget that Remote Utils does do what I need it to, so maybe I should not begrudge them another License fee..

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2889)
May 20, 2021 12:06:50 pm EDT
Hello Christopher,

Thank you for your message.

We've sent you an email to the following email address: ch***@***************k - please check your email inbox to see if you've received it.

Please let me know if you have more questions.

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