
FR: Linux, Mac - Host

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Conrad, Support (Posts: 3013)
May 23, 2018 6:07:13 pm EDT

I didn't say your company 'had no talent', I said it may not employ the necessary in-house talent for Mac or Linux development, ie, there may be no programmers with that skill set, hence the lack of client 3-4 years on.

Further, in order to 'compete' with another vendor, you have to actually have a competing product, the point of this entire thread being, with regard to Linux & Mac OS, you do not.

The fact that we do not offer Mac/Linux client does not necessarily mean we do not have programmers with that skill set. We do. It's all about priorities.

A professional response, from a company that wanted to demonstrate that it 'cared' about its (prospective) customers, would be to point customers it can't/doesn't service, in the direction of a company that does/can. We call this 'professional courtesy' or just 'good customer service'. I personally find you individually, extremely lacking in this regard.

Customer service has nothing to do with this. It's about the rules of our community. Competitor links and product names are not allowed here. Just like any criticisms that go beyond merely discussing the technical issues, existing or planned features or licensing and instead focus on discussing the company itself, its programmers, specialists and talents (or lack thereof) or marketing/customer service practices and personalities. Such posts may be censored or deleted.

An example of 'poor' customer service is to ignore customer requests for years on end, or even worse, string customers along by telling them you plan development when you clearly have no intention of doing that.

We do not ignore customer requests. We just cannot fulfill them all at once. We had to delay the development of the Mac/Linux client because of other more pressing priorities.

And for my part, I was attempting to help a customer in the vacuum 'you' left, with an open source solution. At no point did I suggest a commercially viable alternative to Nick's issue.

I'm sorry, but we did not leave any vacuum. The fully-functional version of our software is freely available on the site. Nowhere in our EULA we are telling that we guarantee such and such features to be added if only a customer purchases the product. The customer purchases the product "as is", here is a quote from the EULA:


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abc, User (Posts: 1)
Jul 01, 2018 1:20:21 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hey guys, any updates on the Mac host? This software (RU) is great!

Conrad, Support (Posts: 3013)
Jul 02, 2018 8:28:07 am EDT
Thank you for the kind words!

We are currently working on Viewer for Mac. As for Host, it will be available some time later after we first release the Viewer.
Reece Rymell, User (Posts: 1)
Jul 16, 2018 4:34:05 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Would be brilliant if you where to bring out viewer and host for MAC - I would then consider purchasing the software! it works great apart from this.
Conrad, Support (Posts: 3013)
Jul 16, 2018 4:44:25 am EDT
Hi Reece,

We are working on it :) Thank you for your support!
Carl Langren, User (Posts: 1)
Aug 18, 2018 8:54:56 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Please keep the cards and letters coming in support of Mac and Linux clients. I would like to throw in for both. Thanks!
Nick Leffler, User (Posts: 9)
Aug 18, 2018 9:00:59 am EDT
I'm hoping they have the Linux (I want it now lol) and Mac (I don't really care) host coming sooner instead of later. I still purchase the mini license with the hope of it happening eventually. Even tho they don't have it yet I don't mind supporting them. For my family and friends who run windows it's worth every penny.
Mac Wilson, User (Posts: 10)
Sep 05, 2018 6:51:07 pm EDT
Also greatly in need of a Mac agent/host now as its becoming a pain in the ass to use an alternative just for these clients.  Even though RU has its quirks its much preferred.  Any word on an ETA?
Edited:Mac Wilson - Sep 05, 2018 6:56:32 pm EDT
Conrad, Support (Posts: 3013)
Sep 06, 2018 12:56:16 am EDT

Mac Wilson wrote:

Also greatly in need of a Mac agent/host now as its becoming a pain in the ass to use an alternative just for these clients.  Even though RU has its quirks its much preferred.  Any word on an ETA?

Hello Mac,

We will do our best to add Mac support as soon as possible. Unfortunately, no ETA for Mac agent/host yet. As for Mac Viewer, we are going to introduce the first beta this year, if all goes as planned.
magicf, User (Posts: 14)
Sep 06, 2018 3:57:44 am EDT

Conrad wrote:

Mac Wilson wrote:

Also greatly in need of a Mac agent/host now as its becoming a pain in the ass to use an alternative just for these clients.  Even though RU has its quirks its much preferred.  Any word on an ETA?

Hello Mac,

We will do our best to add Mac support as soon as possible. Unfortunately, no ETA for Mac agent/host yet. As for Mac Viewer, we are going to introduce the first beta this year, if all goes as planned.

In 2015 you wrote that to release Mac version is your middle term plan and in July 2015 you defined the middle term as "within a year". 3 years later there is still no ETA.
I don't have time to wait for Linux so in the past 3 years I spent my money to your competitor.
I read a LOT of promises and words here about you plan to release at least Mac version but after more than 3  year there is nothing. Linux version is totally out of scope.
But it would be a really good application but it's a shame instead. Sorry.
Edited:magicf - Sep 06, 2018 3:59:29 am EDT

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