
Checking what license (if any) a host has registered...

MordyT, User (Posts: 1)
Jul 13, 2014 10:30:25 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Great product. Been using this for about 2 months now and it's great.

I am looking for a way (remotely if possible) to check if I registered a host.
a. What key did I use?

I am also wondering what the symptoms of not registering a host would be.

Do I have to register a viewer?

Lastly, what would happen if I registered the same host 2x?

Anton Kalugin, User (Posts: 209)
Jul 14, 2014 6:06:42 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hello MordyT,

Thank you for your message.

MordyT wrote:
Great product. Been using this for about 2 months now and it's great.

Thank you very much.

MordyT wrote:
I am looking for a way (remotely if possible) to check if I registered a host.
a. What key did I use?

You can check it in the License information column, if you switch your View mode from Thumbnails to Details. (Right-click anywhere in the connections region of the Viewer window -> Details). You should be loggen on that Host.

MordyT wrote:
I am also wondering what the symptoms of not registering a host would be.

If you try to connect to unregistered Host, you'll see a window which will ask you to register that Host.

MordyT wrote:
Do I have to register a viewer?

No. Viewer only stores keys in the License key storage.

MordyT wrote:
Lastly, what would happen if I registered the same host 2x?

Host will be re-registered. Last license key applied will be active.
Angus Scott-Fleming, User (Posts: 11)
Jun 12, 2015 8:41:56 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial

Anton Kalugin wrote:

No. Viewer only stores keys in the License key storage.

Where does the Portable Viewer store its License Keys?  Are they stored in %AppData% on the local computer where you run the viewer, in the local computer's registry, or in the PV's directory tree (e.g. on the USB stick from which you run the Portable Viewer)?
Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3022)
Jun 14, 2015 2:28:31 pm EDT

It's in the config_4.xml in the portable Viewer folder, on the USB or whatever you run it from. However, we'll soon start putting the license information to license.txt file as it was before.

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