Technician - Supporting Four Companies
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Thank you.

Thank you for your interest.
Since you are the primary user of the program and you say that you won't be able to use the program with one console, it is likely that the number of remote PCs is going to exceed 10. Unfortunately, the free license may not be the best solution in this case. I'm sorry the free license doesn't work out for you in this case.
In my case, I may have example 20 companies that I support, all small (ranging fr om a few PCs) to say 20 PCs. With LMI I could manage them all at no cost to me. It was up to them to purchase (wh ere required). I just connect using their account and can see their PC's or invite myself as an admin and see a list of each company using my LMI Ignition.
What I am trying to determine is if Remote Utilities will work for my needs (whether it be Free or Paid). I appreciate that you are a different product.
Scenario: I may get a call for any one of my clients looking for remote support. If say these companies buy their "Own" Remote Utilities Licences, will this allow me to connect to them using my viewer (keeping in mind these are all individual companies).
In short: I would need to be able to see e.g. 40 PC's in my Viewer (all registered to different companies). Hope that makes sense.

Yes, of course, it will. The license is applied on the remote Host, not the Viewer. When the Host is paid for, and the license is applied on it, anyone can connect to that Host.If say these companies buy their "Own" Remote Utilities Licences, will this allow me to connect to them using my viewer (keeping in mind these are all individual companies).
In short: I would need to be able to see e.g. 40 PC's in my Viewer (all registered to different companies). Hope that makes sense.
I will soon add FAQ specifically about the free license to this forum, because it seems like it causes a lot of confusion.
All I wanted to check prior to recommending the Free and Paid versions to clients is that I (selfishly) can have access to all 40 PCs in my viewer (made up of different accounts from different users.....some having Paid versions some using the Free versions). I appreciate the HOSTs contains the licence and not the viewer. Thanks for that and will watch out for a FAQ....and other posts. So far "Remote Utilities" looks/feels fantastic in my tests over last few days.

Mark,Mark D wrote:
Agreed. A FAQ would be good as what may seem obvious to some isn't so obvious to others (like me)! You must be frustrated with what should be "Obvious". A set of examples showing different scenarios would be good.
All I wanted to check prior to recommending the Free and Paid versions to clients is that I (selfishly) can have access to all 40 PCs in my viewer (made up of different accounts from different users.....some having Paid versions some using the Free versions). I appreciate the HOSTs contains the licence and not the viewer. Thanks for that and will watch out for a FAQ....and other posts. So far "Remote Utilities" looks/feels fantastic in my tests over last few days.
I can tell you already that, unfortunately, this won't work. Simply because our EULA prohibits it.
You see, when you connect to a remote computer, regardless of the purpose, you are deemed the "user". And the free license only allows 10 remote PCs for the user. Not to say that each user (or organization) must have only one free license, but no more.
Please, do understand my point. Allowing the user to remotely control 10 remote PCs even in a business setting for free is no problem. We are only happy to help. But 40 PCs or more, especially when the remote support is paid for (which i think is the case) is pure high-scale commercial use. We won't be able to support our servers, pay salaries and improve the product if such scenario is available with the free license. Providing the license for free where our competitors charge in hundreds of $$ (and some are even subscription based, not one-time) would not be a viable business strategy.
Precisely. it is commercial use and in most cases "paid for" by the companies who registers it. I am not sure why you are suggesting that you would be "Providing the license for free"Conrad Sallian wrote:
But 40 PCs or more, especially when the remote support is paid for (which i think is the case) is pure high-scalecommercial use
I wasn't asking specifically for e.g. 40 Free. I was enquiring on whether it was possible to "add" a mix of Paid and Free hosts to my viewer in times of need eg they require support. Example:
Company A & B: 15 each paid: (Total 30 Paid)
Company C: X4 Free (Total 4 Free)
Family A, B,C,D X2 Free each (Total 8 Free)
Above example is made up of three companies & four family individuals of which 30 are paid for and 12 are free.
I suspect you are saying that I need to be the one that "Purchases" 42 licences on behalf of the above and register under my account which (in my specific case) would not work.
I totally understand and needed to check before heading down this path. Its a great product and am sure the Licencing model will work for single companies.

Precisely. it is commercial use and in most cases "paid for" by the companies who registers it. I am not sure why you are suggesting that you would be "Providing the license for free"
Sorry, I didn't get you at first. I thought it was all about free use.
I wasn't asking specifically for e.g. 40 Free. I was enquiring on whether it was possible to "add" a mix of Paid and Free hosts to my viewer in times of need eg they require support. Example:
Company A & B: 15 each paid: (Total 30 Paid)
Company C: X4 Free (Total 4 Free)
Family A, B,C,D X2 Free each (Total 8 Free)
Above example is made up of three companies & four family individuals of which 30 are paid for and 12 are free.
The program won't allow you to add more than 10 Hosts registered with a free license (be it the same license or different licenses) into the same address book. And if you still keep the free license in the lIcense key storage, you won't be able to add a paid license there until you delete the free one, and vice versa.
It's stated on our Licensing page and in the EULA. Also, if you are the only administrator/operator, it just doesn't make sense to pay on the "remote PC" basis in this case, because 1 "per operator" license will be less expensive and will allow you to register not only 42 but an unlimited number of computers. It is what this type of license was designed for in the first place.I suspect you are saying that I need to be the one that "Purchases" 42 licences on behalf of the above and register under my account which (in my specific case) would not work.
I totally understand and needed to check before heading down this path. Its a great product and am sure the Licencing model will work for single companies.
Yes, it's primarily aimed at single companies with less than 10 PCs or home users who occasionally connect to their home PCs or help their friends and family. For a more extensive use a paid license is supposed to replace the free one entirely.
Feel free to ask me if you have additional questions. Thanks!
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