magicf's community posts

Beta testing: Remote Utilities for macOS/Linux

magicf, User (Posts: 14)
Jul 28, 2022 5:43:26 am EDT

Pauline wrote:


Thank you for your message.

Unfortunately, the MINI license allowing only up to 30 connections to be added to the address book is a known issue in Viewer for Mac/Linux which will be fixed in the nearest update. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please let us know if you have more questions.

Hi. Will this known limitation/bug be removed/solved somewhen in the near future? A new version released in the past week but I still can't add more than 30 devices with my MINI licence.

Beta testing: Remote Utilities for macOS/Linux

magicf, User (Posts: 14)
May 30, 2022 5:36:16 am EDT
I have RUT viewer for linux (1.0.11.q beta 11) installed on Ubuntu 20.04.2. I have a Mini licence which covers 50 endpoints. This Mini licence is added to the Viewer. I have 31 endpoints added and I always get a messagre that my licence doesn't allow to use more than 30 computers.
I installed Viewer on Windows 10 as well and I added the same licence and that work fine on Windows.

Free license: Notification near the system tray and other changes

magicf, User (Posts: 14)
Mar 25, 2022 5:39:13 am EDT
The best way to display pop-up notifications is to implement it into Windows 10's notifictaion area as every other software does. So doesn't need to bother the users and supporters with such annoying things.

upgrade support level fails

magicf, User (Posts: 14)
Jun 02, 2021 6:16:18 am EDT
I bought a Starter licence and I wanted to upgrade my support level. I upload the licence file and the response says it's upgraded to . I mean nothing written after "to" (see attaced picture) and I remained in the Free level.
Could you upgrade manually or fix the auto upgrade problem?
Thank you.

licence issue time

magicf, User (Posts: 14)
Jun 02, 2021 6:12:44 am EDT
Thank you. Finally I got the key. :-)

licence issue time

magicf, User (Posts: 14)
Jun 01, 2021 10:04:19 am EDT

How many hours or days does it take to get the purchased licence key?
I purchased and payed a starter licence at 13:11 CET (2 hours ago) but still don't get the licence key.

Thank you

Beta testing: Remote Utilities for macOS/Linux

magicf, User (Posts: 14)
May 31, 2021 12:52:30 pm EDT

Polina wrote:


Thank you for your message.

Yes, unfortunately, for now, Viewer for Linux/Mac is only available in the Beta version and, therefore, has somewhat limited functionality. You can find the full list of currently supported features on this page, in the very first message. More features that are already available in Viewer for Windows will be added in future updates as well.

As for the frequent crashes of Viewer - could you please try removing (or temporarily moving to another directory) the following files and see if this helps to resolve the issue?
1.  libxcb*
2.  libxkbcommon*

Looking forward to your reply.

There are many libxcb* and libxkbcommon* files exist in different folders used by different applications. Which ones should I delete/move from the 353 pcs of libxcb*?
Would you be more specific?

Thank you

Beta testing: Remote Utilities for macOS/Linux

magicf, User (Posts: 14)
May 29, 2021 2:28:32 pm EDT
Linux viewer 1.0.8.q beta 8 onto Xubuntu 20.04LTS.
Very limited functionality. Only connect to remote PC. All the other functions which works in Win version is missing. I hope will be included soon especially the remote agent configurator.
It hangs and close itself and the remote connection windows very often without any notice. I would say I have to restart in every 10-15 minutes. if you let me know where is the log file then I can attach it to do further investigation.
Thanks for the long waited Linux version.

Error #1202 in AD

magicf, User (Posts: 14)
Mar 25, 2021 4:22:56 am EDT
The same problem, but Z: is reserved for specific purpose within our company. Is there any workaround?
Thank you

FR: Remote Utilities Server - Linux Version

magicf, User (Posts: 14)
Apr 05, 2019 2:47:54 am EDT
Yes, Linux host and viewer is requested many times int he past lot of years. No actions seen only promises.