snk-nick's community posts

Host Upgrade Blocked by Bitdefender

snk-nick, User (Posts: 59)
Jan 19, 2022 8:59:51 pm EST
Performing a simple upgrade on multiple Windows Servers from host to, upgrade was blocked by Bitdefender with the following:

Advanced Threat Control has blocked a process that has been detected as malicious.Process path: C:\Windows\Temp\host_upgrade_{8CECBA23-E6C4-4B16-859A-0B45E9BA486A}.exe. Threat name: ATC.SuspiciousBehavior.D4B82CC334736729.

On most servers the upgrade does seem to have still gone through, but on a couple the RU host program is effectively deleted and required a reinstall.

Can't add license to server after update

snk-nick, User (Posts: 59)
Jan 17, 2022 5:10:28 pm EST
I mean… no, it can be easily fixed by either allowing the file path to be typed in to a field, providing a text field for the license, or adding an option to specify it via the command line.

Adding the desktop experience bloats servers, uses more resources, and potentially increases your attack surface, not ideal and that’s why the default for servers is to not install the Desktop.

I can work around this for now but this, your lack of a Linux server, and the terrible mobile apps your software is really falling behind the competition.

Can't add license to server after update

snk-nick, User (Posts: 59)
Jan 17, 2022 8:36:38 am EST
Yep that's the one.

Can't add license to server after update

snk-nick, User (Posts: 59)
Jan 15, 2022 7:29:02 pm EST

Conrad Sallian wrote:
I believe a fix in this case is installing the GUI. It will be needed anyway since RU Server is easier to use with GUI.

Not really, it works just fine without one and doesn't waste storage/resources.

I notice that the new server update has a note saying "Minor improvements to RU Server license registration mechanism." - I thought this might be a fix to the issue however it doesn't seem to have changed anything..?

Can't add license to server after update

snk-nick, User (Posts: 59)
Jan 07, 2022 10:41:46 pm EST
Exactly the same issue using Windows Server 2019 - brand new server run up with nothing else installed. Thought it might have been a quirk with RDP or something but no luck directly accessing the server either.

Edit: having checked your video I can tell what the problem is - Windows Server 2016+ doesn't include Windows Explorer unless you install the GUI (Desktop Experience) and so you can't bring up the explorer window to select the license.

Surprised this hasn't come up before, I would expect that this would be the most common use case for the server.. Either way just needs to allow the license to be pasted in as text, problem solved.

In the meantime is there a way to add the key some other way? I installed it on a local machine, added the key, but can't find where it's stored so not sure where I'd go to move it to the server.
Edited:snk-nick - Jan 08, 2022 12:02:18 am EST

Can't add license to server after update

snk-nick, User (Posts: 59)
Jan 03, 2022 11:20:15 pm EST
Just updated to latest server version and when asked in the install for my license key clicking the button to add it did nothing. I finished the install with a free license then opened up the config window to try add it there and just got the same thing. Everything else works but clicking "Add" in the license section doesn't do anything.

Rolled it back, tried again, same result.

OS is Windows Server 2016 headless. Going to run up a 2019 server and see if it will work there, upgrade is overdue anyway, but don't know if that will fix anything.

Full iOS viewer update?

snk-nick, User (Posts: 59)
Dec 16, 2021 6:11:18 pm EST
Hey guys,

It's approaching the end of the year and still haven't seen any updates around this. Being able to work from iOS/Android devices is basically a standard feature from remote access utilities - I really love this product but if I have to purchase and deploy a second solution just so I can use it from a mobile device what's the point?

Would really appreciate any kind of update here.

Full iOS viewer update?

snk-nick, User (Posts: 59)
Jun 06, 2021 1:20:17 am EDT
Seriously for years the mobile version of the system is and remains utter garbage for anyone using it professionally. I run an RU server and all I want is to be able to open it up, log in to my server, and see my clients as pulled down from the server address book. Just like how the other viewers work.

It’s so bad I VPN to a machine back in the office running the viewer instead of the native app.

Every single time this is brought up it’s “being worked on” with “no ETA”. For years. I’d have thought v7 would have updated the viewer but still nothing.

Do I need to start looking for another solution? Because knowing I can do my job just by throwing an iPad in my bag is a huge benefit and this slow clunky workaround is pretty tiresome.

Can we get SOME kind of update that isn’t “yep we want that, no ETA though”.?

Linux Server

snk-nick, User (Posts: 59)
Apr 27, 2021 6:42:04 am EDT
Are there any plans to create a Linux based server? Everything about server management is just so much nicer in Linux, it would be nice not to need to maintain a bloated Windows machine for this one service.

Updating each version is a major hassle.

snk-nick, User (Posts: 59)
Mar 27, 2020 5:40:58 am EDT

Any updates on this? Redoing all my install versions yet again for a new deployment and it's quite tedious as well as opens me up to error if I get a setting wrong.

There just seems like so many better ways to do this.
