mstorm's community posts

ViewerID in Ru Logs

mstorm, User (Posts: 9)
Oct 17, 2022 8:45:05 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
yes you can when they are connected, however you usually are looking into the logs after they are done, and that is where the weird host id comes from "ru server logs". if i can see the info while a viewer is connected to the host i don't see why you are not logging that info it make no since to not log the viewer id but to insert a unconnected string. i think you should seriously consider updating your logging so it more detailed, this is the only issue stop me and probably other company's from buying and using this product

ViewerID in Ru Logs

mstorm, User (Posts: 9)
Oct 06, 2022 12:31:17 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Thanks Pauline,

i will check back sometime next year to see if it improved. not being able to tell who connected where and when. just stopped this fr om every being used in my department. i must be able to track who is remoting into what and wh ere. guess will have to stick with  [censored] for another year

ViewerID in Ru Logs

mstorm, User (Posts: 9)
Sep 09, 2022 10:14:07 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
any update on this?

ViewerID in Ru Logs

mstorm, User (Posts: 9)
Jul 28, 2022 7:06:16 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
this is the log form the ru server internet-id-log.csv

ViewerID in Ru Logs

mstorm, User (Posts: 9)
Jul 28, 2022 6:51:49 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
where is the logs getting the viewer id from. i can find no way to match it to a pc running viewer, which makes this entry useless.

LogKind ViewerIP HostID HostIP HostVersion ViewerID        
0        [local ip] [host id] [host ip] 70150


ViewerVersion Timestamp                      H                              Comment
73153                  12-37-27 28-07-2022 OK

Better Logs

mstorm, User (Posts: 9)
Jul 28, 2022 6:41:19 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
found logs

Better Logs

mstorm, User (Posts: 9)
Jul 28, 2022 4:08:10 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
I would like to recommend using remote utilities in our company but i need better log's. Am i missing something? I set up  ru and did custom security. i can see when i am connected to host but can not find any logs that save this data. In order to be able to use this my company requires a log of which tech connected to  what host and time he connected.

are they store somewhere else? if not is this in he works. I would think that any company that had a support staff would want a log of who connecting to what host and when

Remote Utilities 6.12 Beta

MJ Storm, User (Posts: 9)
Feb 05, 2020 3:05:37 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
Been using for a day no issue's yet. feature change for the future would like to see username in the authorized server display instead of the computer name.

Custom Security Server

MJ Storm, User (Posts: 9)
Aug 30, 2019 10:01:23 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hi Looking to move from our current remote connect solution to remote utilites.
i have setup the auth sever at home for testing, using my domain and forward the port to the server.

i can get it to work from the office (not using a proxy server in the main office). but when i try to connect from offsite. i enter the server info. enter the username and password. say's signing in then nothing the add user window never opens. i checked the logs and there nothing in them very basic. see log info below

i have entered the proxy server info on the host, i can connect using id-connection, i have disabled the windows 2012 firewall and the esxi firewall, i have used port scanner to make sure the port (50001) is open. 443 is closed on all offsites. as you can see the log tells me nothing. is there a different log or can i increase the amount of data that is logged.