John Tao's community posts

Dual Monitor Support on Viewer...

John Tao, User (Posts: 4)
May 07, 2020 4:16:36 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hi Polina,

How are you???

Just to give you an update on this issue...

I have tried all possible method and the only sort of work is by stretching across both screen... I said sort of work meaning it still moving a little both horizontal and vertical view... When I select either Full View or Stretch View it will automatically default back to single screen on viewer side with scroll bar for both horizontal and vertical side of dual screen... I have also tried to setup two remote session and have each session default to one screen, but that didn't work at all only one screen is available to view... The second screen will stay at initial login screen with no control...

Do you know if the dual screen feature will be available soon as current setting is very cumbersome...

Much appreciated...


Dual Monitor Support on Viewer...

John Tao, User (Posts: 4)
Mar 25, 2020 6:37:31 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hi, I will give it another try was having issue using both option...

Dual Monitor Support on Viewer...

John Tao, User (Posts: 4)
Mar 24, 2020 8:27:04 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hi, my host has dual monitor setup... how can I have the same Dual monitor display on my viewer side??? I am using the latest version of Remote Utilities... On my viewer screen i can only maximized to one screen, and it automatically scroll over to left/right/up or down when my mouse moves to certain area... It becomes very annoy... It sees the host resolution is larger then the viewer... How can I display to two screen on viewer side maximized no over sized... Any help is greatly appreciated... Thx,

unable to open file connections_4.xml & lost license key

John Tao, User (Posts: 4)
Feb 07, 2020 8:40:42 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
Hi, I am running version I had a license but since the error message the license key plus some of the setting all disappeared... How do you restore??? thx