Gaz Denson's community posts

Viewer Freezes

Gaz Denson, User (Posts: 24)
Jun 04, 2020 4:14:33 am EDT
Support level: Starter
Hi, thanks for the replies.
Using the latest version of both Host and Viewer (not beta)
It seems like its frozen in time (quite literally the clock will be stuck) and I can not do anything until I close the viewer window and reconnect.
The pausing/unpausing does not have an effect.

Viewer Freezes

Gaz Denson, User (Posts: 24)
Jun 03, 2020 9:55:52 am EDT
Support level: Starter
My Viewer is automatically freezing when I walk away from the PC for an extended period and upon return does not automatically reconnect me.
I have to close the remote window and log back in.
Is there a way to stop this happening and be permanently logged in until I choose to log out, or even a way to set the "log out time" to be longer (eg 30 mins)
Thanks in advance!

Ask User Permission timeout

Gaz Denson, User (Posts: 24)
Jun 03, 2020 9:47:48 am EDT
Support level: Starter
How do you set the Timeout duration?
Cant seem to find it in the docs

Viewer freezes

Gaz Denson, User (Posts: 24)
Jun 03, 2020 8:37:01 am EDT
Support level: Starter
Having the exact same issue, was a solution ever found?