Stephen Davies's community posts

Connection refused

Stephen Davies, User (Posts: 4)
Jun 01, 2022 11:55:15 am EDT

My customers who I have been unable to support this afternoon will demand improvise a root cause report to them.

Could you provide a report on why your outage/fault happened please?

Many Thanks

Connection refused

Stephen Davies, User (Posts: 4)
Jun 01, 2022 10:51:00 am EDT
I have just tested.  Still does not work for me. :-(

Connection refused

Stephen Davies, User (Posts: 4)
Jun 01, 2022 10:28:11 am EDT
To post that it is an anti-virus/firewall issue when everyone is experiencing the same issue on windows PCs is just plain silly.  To appease myself I have turned off my AV and firewall, used our test network with no restrictions on the firewall for both host and viewer.  It still does not work.

Log extract

01-06-2022__14:28:21__132 InetConnection #942325. Internet connection to Uploader (
01-06-2022__14:28:21__164 InetConnection #942325. Method "Connect" - OK. Uploader connected to ID server:
01-06-2022__14:28:36__167 InetConnection #942325. Socket error. Name: "Uploader", host: "". Exception class: "EIdReadTimeout". Message: "Read timed out.".
01-06-2022__14:28:36__167 Connection #942325. Connection to "Uploader" failed. Mode: <Authorization>.
01-06-2022__14:28:36__168 Context #942325 removed. Mode: <Authorization>.

Connection refused

Stephen Davies, User (Posts: 4)
Jun 01, 2022 7:17:24 am EDT
We use this for engineer and customer support and has stopped working today.  Clearly an outage or issue on their servers that issues IDs.  I have raised a ticket with support and attached my logs.  Hope this gets fixed quickly as we have a 4 day weekend coming up and the engineers use this to support our customers :-(