Remote Utilities Blog

When Apples and Oranges Seem Alike

When Apples and Oranges Seem Alike

It is a common marketing practice for software vendors to utilize product comparisons that invariably help their software appear to be the best choice. However, these comparisons may actually provide an inaccurate profile of the software’s actual advantages and disadvantages. There are several different ways of comparing software, in this post we are going to delve into the most commonly used comparison methods to determine which can provide the most accurate picture of a software’s real capabilities.

by Gwen , Mar 12, 2013

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4 Tips to Evaluate Software for Business

4 Tips to Evaluate Software for Business

This post is about evaluating business software. We will consider four major factors that together may lead to the popularity and success of a software product. Since a popular product is not necessarily the one that satisfies your business needs, with each factor below we’ve also included a tip. The purpose is to stimulate critical thinking and help you avoid “crowd-thinking”.

by Conrad Sallian, Feb 8, 2013

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The True Cost of “Easy” Software

The True Cost of “Easy” Software

Regardless of the services or products your organization provides, the right software is integral to your business success. In this digital age, your software is part of a toolkit that helps your business meet its goals and objectives. Because of this, software purchases are frequently made based on technical features or functionality. However, software has three important components that are interconnected: ease-of-use, functionality, and security. These are often referred to as a triad or triangle.

by Gwen , Jan 30, 2013

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