
Getting records in log: 'Cascade error', about once per minute.

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Support level: Free or trial
Code =  89
IP = always empty
Event = Cascade error
Info = Wrong iConnectKind: 1933288066

iConnectKind: Numbers here sometime the same, sometime different, may be negative

Host 6.10.10 on Win 7 64bit
I take a look logs it's happening long time, a month at least.

Same logs on another Windows 7 64 bit Host 6.10.10
Same logs on Windows 7 32 bit Host 6.10.10
Hi Boris,

Please, upgrade to version 7 to see if the issue persists. If you don't want to completely uninstall your version 6 you can do the following:

1. Download portable Viewer 7 and add one of your remote Hosts in the address book (the one that you have issues with).
2. Upgrade the Host to version 7.
3. Test this one connection to see if the issue persists. I recommend that you delete the Host log (html files) before you start a remote session to avoid possible confusion. Note that the time in the log is shown as UTC, not your local time.

Support level: Free or trial
Nothing changed - see attached log
Computer Windows 7 64  bit, viewer and host version 7.001
Attached Files
Getting records in log: 'Cascade error',  about once per minute.
Support level: Free or trial
One more fact. As you can see in log file - nobody connected to host. After installing host 7001 errors start counting.
Hello Boris,

Thank you for the provided screenshot.

Could you please also let us know if you're still able to connect to this remote Host, despite seeing the error in the Host logs? I'll forward this to our developers and ask for their input on the issue.

Looking forward to your reply.
Support level: Free or trial
Yes, I am able to connect to host. See attached log part.
Attached Files
Getting records in log: 'Cascade error',  about once per minute.
Hello Boris,

Thank you for the clarification.

I'll forward the issue to our development department and ask them to look into it.

I'll get back to you with an update on the issue shortly.
Hello Boris,

Thank you for your patience.

I've checked on the issue with our developers - the "iConnectKind" error entries signify that something is modifying the traffic from time to time - for example, it might be your router or some kind of privacy software. Since you're able to connect to your remote Host, please feel free to disregard the entries in the log files.

Hope that helps.
Support level: Free or trial
Thank you for clarifying.
I see this logged message at the time when nobody able to connect to this host (night time for example).
However this hosts exposed outside of my internal network by port forwarding on router/ Ports are not default RU ports) .
Does this message mean somebody from internet scanning such ports? Can this log message be modified to provide more info (like source IP of call) ?
Support level: Free or trial
Ok, I stop port forwarding on router for testing.
New messages stop showing in the log. Will take a look what's happened on router level.

* Website time zone: America/New_York (UTC -4)