Bobby Mills's community posts
Gateway/IP issues
Bobby Mills,
User (Posts: 34)
Mar 25, 2014 5:49:19 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Yes. The gateway reads my Moms PC over another IP connection. So it connect the GMS under IDLE tab. Do i still use the Internet ID or direct connection..?
Gateway/IP issues
Bobby Mills,
User (Posts: 34)
Mar 25, 2014 5:37:35 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
I am able to see type in my DNS name and it takes me to my website so it registers my ip. I changed my laptop settings and I can see it on the Idle tab on the gateway but viewer shows it offline and wont connect.
Gateway/IP issues
Bobby Mills,
User (Posts: 34)
Mar 25, 2014 5:29:56 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Ok signed up and added my DNS name in the custom IP address, i still use the Internet ID right..?
Gateway/IP issues
Bobby Mills,
User (Posts: 34)
Mar 25, 2014 4:58:36 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
So i setup the gateway with the IP Address and configured the port, then i configured the host side to connect to my IP and port and connection works. Now the issue i am having is my IP address has changed to another IP so now the host arnt connecting to gateway because its configured to connect to my old IP. Is their a fix or a way to have the gateway connect to a website to get IP and have host connect to the same website to get IP or something. Because now the host PC's i cant reach out to now without them reconfiguring them themselves.
Direct Connection (UPnP for routers..?)
Bobby Mills,
User (Posts: 34)
Mar 20, 2014 10:51:27 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
any chance on getting UPnP to work for direct connections instead of configuring a router. maybe a setting to open a port for you and it can be a default port or a custom port.
Im only suggesting this, i like the logon feature for DC and the quicker speed and I like to have the PC show online when their actually online or have the Internet ID be able to, figured the way with better speed would be better, that would boost the Program alot.
Also just a question.. in the settings the FPS if I set that to the highest value, does that up the CPU on the remote machine...??? I did it and it didnt mess with CPU but gave quicker response time.
Thanks for listening
Im only suggesting this, i like the logon feature for DC and the quicker speed and I like to have the PC show online when their actually online or have the Internet ID be able to, figured the way with better speed would be better, that would boost the Program alot.
Also just a question.. in the settings the FPS if I set that to the highest value, does that up the CPU on the remote machine...??? I did it and it didnt mess with CPU but gave quicker response time.
Thanks for listening
slow issues wont resolve
Bobby Mills,
User (Posts: 34)
Mar 20, 2014 10:38:21 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
FIXED MY PROBLEM!!! :) Im a airhead. lol so when i changed the settings in the color and CPU under the FPS seems that i left it on FPS on 1 of the PC i was having problems with. No that i took it off works alot better. SWEEEEET!
slow issues wont resolve
Bobby Mills,
User (Posts: 34)
Mar 18, 2014 7:55:33 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Yes, both PC did system recovery's so a fresh install of Win 7 ultimate 64 bit, updates completed, even rolled disaplay adapters drivers back to basics still the same. I installed another access program just to see, and it operated just fine. Is it in the proggram...? I dont want to switch, I like the way this one operates and features.
slow issues wont resolve
Bobby Mills,
User (Posts: 34)
Mar 18, 2014 2:08:22 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Both PC's are seperate External IP's but behind a router setup and ports are forwarded (connections work just lags) but i can use another remote access program T V and it doesnt lag as bad... Laggin to the point where their is almost a 10 -15 sec delay on my clicks.
CPU load ive set it to each setting and no difference
Network - direct connection works abit better than Internet ID but still 6-10 sec delay which isnt to bad.
Disabled Aero/wallpaper/blank screen
i just dont know what im missing.
CPU load ive set it to each setting and no difference
Network - direct connection works abit better than Internet ID but still 6-10 sec delay which isnt to bad.
Disabled Aero/wallpaper/blank screen
i just dont know what im missing.
slow issues wont resolve
Bobby Mills,
User (Posts: 34)
Mar 18, 2014 2:02:49 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Remote PC
[broken external image link]
[broken external image link]
[broken external image link]
[broken external image link]
slow issues wont resolve
Bobby Mills,
User (Posts: 34)
Mar 17, 2014 4:15:19 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Yes, ive tried all options below 1 at a time and all options checked but nothing seems to improve the speed. The PC's are great speed machine with 10MB internet download speeds and 2-3 mb upload speeds. Any suggestions other than that please let me know.