Douglas Crawford's community posts

Some viewers see some connections on-line others off-line.

Douglas Crawford, User (Posts: 75)
Dec 03, 2021 6:12:21 pm EST
Support level: Starter
Pauline:  I read the related KB page regarding slow performance.
Given that these four computers are all plain vanilla and exactly the same windows 10 configuration,
all running the same version of RU, I think it points to a bug related issue for RU in how the Host
program operates on the different machines.  It gets uniquely tripped up on the #2 playout computer, it seems,
and it should not.  Or perhaps it IS an issue with the hardware of that computer that is impacting
either the way that the network system runs.  Please explain here how the RU system determines that
that a host is Off-line: does that determination related to a host program not answering a request- or does
it include repeated answers that take too long?  And is this termined by each viewer or by the RU server?
It is curious to me why one viewer sees the participant as ON-LINE and another viewer sees that same
computer as OFF-LINE.  Suggests to me the determination is made by the Viewer and not the RU server.

Some viewers see some connections on-line others off-line.

Douglas Crawford, User (Posts: 75)
Dec 03, 2021 5:27:38 pm EST
Support level: Starter
Logs sent.

Some viewers see some connections on-line others off-line.

Douglas Crawford, User (Posts: 75)
Dec 03, 2021 4:43:07 pm EST
Support level: Starter
Hi- just saw your response, Thanks Pauline- will send those logs asap.

Some viewers see some connections on-line others off-line.

Douglas Crawford, User (Posts: 75)
Dec 03, 2021 4:42:03 pm EST
Support level: Starter
Addendum:  The 4 remote PCs are all running Windows 10 Pro.  
The PCs have varying compute platforms.  The Problem #2 Streamer has a i5-2600.  
The File Server is a Core 2 Duo as can be seen in the photo of its screen.
The Streamer #1 is a AMD A10, Streamer #3 is a i5-920.  
From out on the web I'm on a AMD  Phenom II X4 3.20 still running Win7.

Some viewers see some connections on-line others off-line.

Douglas Crawford, User (Posts: 75)
Dec 03, 2021 2:42:33 pm EST
Support level: Starter

I'm about to deploy 4 computers to a remote location but access to them has become strange
and I cannot deploy them until this is resolved.

Three of the computers are running a video play-out system that is streaming video out to the web.
The 4th system is a file server which the other three systems are reading video files from.
The file server will also serve as an on-site RU head for the three play-out computers.

These four computers are connected via a managed switch that is in its factory default configuration.
Presently this switch is connected to a Comcast business network. that has a few other switches on it
and has web access.

All four of these computers run the host software and are therefore "View" able from on the local area
as well as the web.

However,  Only the File Server, which I can operate remotely, can see all three of the streaming PCs.
#1 and 3 are "Viewable" from off site, but #2 shows offline from either anywhere but the file server
on the same switch.  Presently I am off site accessing the file server, and it is running well and CPU is lightly
loaded. My viewer shows #1 and #3 online, #2 offline.  The viewer on the File Server shows
all three on-line, and can connect to them, but performance is very very sluggish or the screens are not updating, as sometimes clicking off the current tab and back again updates the screen.  Also data entry in fields drops characters.

Task Manager can be launched on the file server and streamers and determine none are CPU bound.
The 100Mbps network activity is low, as can seen in the photo of the file server task manager.

If I directly connect from the web to server #1 and #3, which show online from across the web, performance is very good. Though sometimes the time to connect is excessive.
However, right now on each of these the mouse pointer is a small square instead of an arrow.  It does
function, but it looks wrong.

Web view performance to the file server has been poor, and at time thought on-line, I cannot connect
to it from the web showing "Connecting to File Server. Please wait..." for long periods of time if not infinitely.
#2 is offline- and this is the most concerning part of this, because inability to connect remotely is a show
stopper.  The curiosity is why the file server on the switch with the #2 streamer says its online, when the
world see it as offline.  The off-line status from the web can be seen in the attached screen shot "status
from the web:"

All are running and all use internet IDs to access one another.

I can collect data to help diagnose this, but I would also be willing to share internet IDs with
Remote Utility developers to access to diagnose.
