
[ Closed ] Beta testing: Remote Utilities for Windows

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Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3022)
Jul 26, 2024 4:40:08 am EDT
UPD: The beta testing is over. Please, download the final version on the download page.

Release notes
Blog post with details about the new release
Benny Tucker, User (Posts: 35)
Jul 30, 2024 10:16:04 pm EDT
Bug report.
1.The Viewer, using any view "Thumbnails-Large Icons-List-Details", there is a constant flickering when the mouse is hovered over a connection that is either online or offline. This does not happen with the logged on connections.
2. When logged into a slower connection/computer and the additional properties has "Remove Wallpaper" checked, there seems to be a problem with the screen re-draw. It seems to crash the redrawing mechanism, but the task bar icons and such still work. The main screen just gets to a point and freezes.
3. During a live session, if the connection properties are used and these same additional properties are used to turn off the "Remove Wallpaper" checkmark, then when you click on "Apply", the check mark comes right back and the changes never get changed. However, if you go to connection properties in the viewer and remove the checkmark, the settings are saved.

That's all I have at the moment. I've only been using the Beta for about an hour so I just thought I'd better start writing down some of these discrepancies. Some of them might be unique to my machines.
Otherwise, great job on the improved speed with the file transfer and the speedier codec. I can tell a difference !!
Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3022)
Jul 31, 2024 4:03:37 am EDT
Hi Benny,

Thank you for your feedback!

1. Yes, there's some flickering of the tooltip too. We'll take a look and report.

2. Unfortunately, couldn't reproduce it. Can you confirm that this only happens at slower connections and doesn't manifest itself on speedier connections?

3. Couldn't reproduce this. We tried different combinations (checkboxes, pressing Apply then Cancel, pressing Apply then Ok etc.). We could use more information if any.
Benny Tucker, User (Posts: 35)
Jul 31, 2024 12:13:52 pm EDT
It's probably just some of my older Windows 10 machines. I'll give it a try on some newer hardware soon.
Thank You for your time !!
Benny Tucker, User (Posts: 35)
Jul 31, 2024 4:58:57 pm EDT
Hi Conrad, just found another problem. This time with the server module.
I have the server installed on a Windows 7 machine, and it has worked flawlessly for all the years that I have used Remote Utilities.
I installed the beta version last night, and now after every reboot, the server fails to restart. It is set to start automatically as a service, but I have to go into services and turn start it manually after every reboot. This usually happens with the host module after a Windows update on all my machines, but this is the server module, even without getting an update from Microsoft.
Thanks for your help.
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2853)
Jul 31, 2024 8:45:13 pm EDT
Hello Benny,

Thank you for your message.

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to reproduce this issue for now. However, I’ll forward it to our developers to see if they can provide any additional feedback on this or if they might need some additional information.

We will keep you updated.
Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Aug 18, 2024 5:23:13 pm EDT
Support level: Starter
I've installed the beta on what amount to a pair of test machines.  Both already had both viewer and host installed at version
Beta viewer installed without any problems on a Windows 11 laptop.  All previously set up connectios were retained, and the beta viewer could see all the (still at v machines I tried.
I wanted to put the beta host on a Windows 7 machine.  The beta viewer logged onto it OK, and full control worked while it was still at v  I disconnected full control and tried to use remote install to install the beta host, using Remote Utilities security.  It went through the motions and reported a successful install, but on checking, the host was still at v  This happened twice.
I then logged onto the host machine using RDP (not within Remote Utilities), and manually installed the beta host.  This *was* successful, and the beta viewer now shows the test host at v
Full control seems to work OK, but I've not had a chance to do any extensive testing.
Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3022)
Aug 19, 2024 3:01:09 am EDT
Hi Peter,

Perhaps, you mean version As for Remote Install update not working - this is a confirmed bug. We have fixed it and the fix will be available in the final release which is to be very soon.

Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Aug 19, 2024 11:53:25 am EDT
Support level: Starter
I must have been tired when I wrote that post!  All machines were originally at v  Test viewer and test host now at v (beta 1)
cosmos, User (Posts: 76)
Aug 23, 2024 2:19:48 am EDT
It's great seeing progress made towards RU performance, which IMHO has been RU's Achilles heel to other remote access software.

My question is the following though: is this new version going to carry the same major version (7) or will it get a higher one (8);

I'm asking this since we had purchased a site license for version 6 and, under the terms and conditions, we were entitled to one major update of the software, therefore 7. This means that there would be no point for us to beta test this version if it is going to be finally launched as version 8.

So, questions:

1) Can we have some sort of official statement from your company, with regard to which the released version major number will be?

2) Do the public relay servers support the new bet clients (new codec support etc)?
Edited:cosmos - Aug 23, 2024 2:21:27 am EDT

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