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Pauline's community posts

Mac Failed to initialize authorization process

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2830)
Apr 15, 2020 5:55:25 pm EDT
Hello Woody,

Thank you for your message.

Could you please try reinstalling Viewer once again without removing anything from the app package? In addition, please also check the logs by running the Viewer via Terminal.

Hope that helps.

Beta testing: Remote Utilities for macOS/Linux

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2830)
Apr 15, 2020 5:09:04 pm EDT
Hello James,

Thank you for the clarification.

Of course, please feel free to let us know if there are any updates on the issue.

In addition, I recommend that you try enabling the Use legacy capture mode feature in the Settings for Host menu -> Other tab and see if this helps to resolve the issue.

Please let us know if the issue persists.

Beta testing: Remote Utilities for macOS/Linux

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2830)
Apr 15, 2020 3:31:52 pm EDT
Hello James,

Thank you for your message.

Could you please confirm that rebooting the remote Host machine resolved the issue?

In addition, here's a related troubleshooting guide that might be helpful when encountering similar issues.

Looking forward to your reply.

Host and Agent availability for Linux and Mac

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2830)
Apr 15, 2020 11:52:01 am EDT
Hello Rob,

Thank you for your message.

We're sorry for keeping you waiting so long. We'll do our best to release Host/Agent for Mac and Linux as soon as possible as it's among our highest priorities right now.

Please let us know if you have more questions.


Pauline, Support (Posts: 2830)
Apr 15, 2020 10:52:51 am EDT
Hello Alan,

Thank you for the clarification.

I apologize for the misunderstanding - I assumed the Internet-ID connection is used as the connection status is displayed as UNKNOWN for Direct connections and as OFFLINE for Internet-ID connections.

In this case, this troubleshooting guide might be helpful. However, please note that, unfortunately, in order to resolve the issue, you need to have access to the remote Host machine.

Please let us know if you have more questions.


Pauline, Support (Posts: 2830)
Apr 14, 2020 3:41:23 pm EDT
Hello Alan,

I'm glad to hear you've figured out the issue!

As for the second laptop - could you please double check if the remote Host is visible as online if you add it as a connection to some other Viewer in another network (for example, you can use Portable Viewer in a mobile network)?
If the Host's status is offline in another network as well - then, unfortunately, this might mean there are connectivity issues on the remote Host machine, rather than on the Viewer's side.

In addition, here's a quick troubleshooting guide that might be helpful.

Hope that helps.

Connecting problem ID server in Poland

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2830)
Apr 13, 2020 5:17:14 pm EDT
Hello Marcin,

I apologize for the inconvenience and delay this issue has caused in being resolved.

Could you please let us know if the Orange ISP is used on any of the remote Host machines? Also, could you please try contacting your ISP and submitting a ticket to them or ask them why they might be having issues letting their users connect to our RU servers?

In the meantime, we are currently investigating this issue and will get back to you soon with further information or instructions. In addition, please see this related Community thread.

Looking forward to your reply.

Licencing type for one Host and three Viewers on different machines

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2830)
Apr 13, 2020 4:08:12 pm EDT
Hello Juha,

Thank you for your message.

What kind of licencing should we use for this case?

In this scenario, you can use the free license as it suits for personal use. Here's a license comparison table and our EULA that might also be useful.

Who should be registered as owner of the licence?

You might register the license to Betty's name or to any of her children's names, then register the Viewers with this license key. However, please make sure to have access to the specified email in order to obtain the license key.

Can we use same settings in address book for every viewer for Betty’s laptop?

Of course, using the same settings for each Viewer is advised in this scenario.
In addition, here's a Quick Start guide that might be helpful.

Please feel free to post another message if you have more questions. We're happy to assist.


Pauline, Support (Posts: 2830)
Apr 13, 2020 11:55:18 am EDT
Hello Alan,

Thank you for your message.

Could you please elaborate a bit more on the issue, namely, on what step the remote screen and input are locked? Does the issue occur at disconnect or when you just connect to the remote Host machine? It would be helpful if you could also provide us some screenshots.

In addition, please make sure that you have the Lock input and screen feature disabled on the Toolbar in the Full Control and View window:
 - 13 Apr 2020 11:50:05

Looking forward to your reply.

Beta testing: Remote Utilities for macOS/Linux

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2830)
Apr 09, 2020 4:05:01 pm EDT
Hello Stuart,

Thank you for your message.

Could you please clarify what version of Remote Utilities is used on the remote Host machine? It seems that the issue might be caused simply by an outdated Host version - on the provided screenshot, it can be seen that the remote Hosts has the 9-digit Internet-ID codes which were used in the older versions of Remote Utilities. In all of the most recent versions, the Internet-ID codes generated for Hosts are 12 digits long.

In case if some older version of Host is used on the remote machine - please try updating Host to the most version - as of this writing, it's (available for the download here) or you might also try using the 6.12 Beta 1 version.  

In addition, please double-check if there are any authentication methods enabled in the Host settings - currently, the Viewer for Mac/Linux only provides support for the Single password and RU Security methods, so if there is any other authentication method enabled, please try switching to the Single password/RU Security.

Hope that helps.