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Conrad Sallian's community posts

Remote Camera

Conrad, Support (Posts: 2987)
Oct 26, 2018 11:21:02 am EDT
Hello Alan,

As for the AV companies, let them stop the patched versions. As they should. They should only be whitelisting the legitimate version's signature. All other variants should be considered as unsafe. It's not your problem/fault that someone else is hacking your application. If the AV companies banned every application that was hacked, then no Microsoft app would ever pass their tests. Especially since MS products have been used as an attack vector since the beginning. Let the AV company do their job and block the proper signatures instead of just blacklisting your app. Seems like laziness on their part.

You are absolutely right. If only that would be that easy though. Some antivirus software companies are clearly out of sync with reality.

Ultimately, this is your call, but if we removed a feature from an application every time someone has an issue with it, we wouldn't have any applications. Someone always has an issue with something, even if it's legitimate or the mass likes it.

If this is a prominent feature used by most customers, yes. Unfortunately, we cannot say that about remote camera. This is more like a side feature that has never been supposed to be used in a corporate environment. Please, do understand our point - we are a commercial entity and we must care about our sales. If certain feature brings us trouble with a/v companies (yes, they are what they are - this world isn't ideal) we have to discontinue it.

The AV companies have no say and should do their job and filter the hacked versions, not the legitimate one.

Please, tell that to ESET who (as of this date 26 Oct, 2018) refuses to remove their "unsafe" detection of our product for almost three years, despite all our emails and phone calls to their headquarters in Slovakia and in other countries.

FR: Linux, Mac - Host

Conrad, Support (Posts: 2987)
Oct 26, 2018 10:14:49 am EDT
I am sorry that we keep you waiting but I assure you that we will do our best to release at least the Viewer quite soon.

Thank you for your patience.

Remote Camera

Conrad, Support (Posts: 2987)
Oct 26, 2018 4:45:14 am EDT
Hello Alan,

Thank you for your message.

Why? It can't be privacy concerns since you have the banner displaying while it's active.

You are right. But the bad guys never actually use the official version. Instead, they patch the official version and have the banner removed. I that got us into a lot of trouble with antivirus software in the past. So we decided to remove this feature altogether.

I am sorry that this made the program less useful for you. Alas, privacy and security considerations and good terms with antivirus software are our primary concerns.

Let me know if you have other questions.

Can´t connect to my own Internet ID - Server

Conrad, Support (Posts: 2987)
Oct 25, 2018 11:32:43 am EDT
Hi Jonas,

I'm glad to hear you figured out the problem. Perhaps, it was a DNS propagation issue - for some reason the IP address of your server couldn't be resolved on the Host side for some time.

Anyway, if you need any assistance in the future don't hesitate to post in the community.


Host Computer Video Stutters When RU is in use

Conrad, Support (Posts: 2987)
Oct 25, 2018 11:29:48 am EDT
Hi David,

You won't be able to upload it here on the forum. Please, either send it as attachment at or just upload elsewhere on a third-party server and send us a link to download in the email message.

Please, do not publish on this forum your files or links that may be confidential.


Can´t connect to my own Internet ID - Server

Conrad, Support (Posts: 2987)
Oct 25, 2018 11:15:43 am EDT
Hello Jonas,

Thank you for your message.

Could you please clarify how exactly you are trying to connect to your server? Namely, are you trying to use the server to broker an Internet-ID connection or are you trying to connect to the server itself (i.e. using server Admin Console from another computer) ? A screenshot would help.

Looking forward to your reply.

Host Computer Video Stutters When RU is in use

Conrad, Support (Posts: 2987)
Oct 25, 2018 10:19:46 am EDT
Hi David,

Thanks for the clarification! Before we can try to help you, could you please test it out with the latest version ( There were a lot of improvements in this version that can affect the issue at hand. I'm sure that you will immediately see the difference.

If not, just let me know and we'll be testing further. It could help if you sent us a sample page or two of your Powerpoint document with the video at, so that we can try reproduce the problem here. But before that please try using new version just to eliminate unnecessary steps for both of us.

Thank you!

Host Computer Video Stutters When RU is in use

Conrad, Support (Posts: 2987)
Oct 25, 2018 4:38:58 am EDT

Try updating to version, the latest one ( Among other things we also improved the screen capture transfer mechanism and that may also improve remote video playback.

Note that you should update both Viewer and Host and not just the Viewer.

Hope that helps.

Host Computer Video Stutters When RU is in use

Conrad, Support (Posts: 2987)
Oct 25, 2018 4:34:42 am EDT
Hello David,

Thank you for your post.

Watching videos via Remote Utilities might not be a good idea. The program encrypts the traffic and that takes time. It is optimized to transfer screen capture during normal work (like web surfing, for example), but video is another story. Unlike some of our competitors we never advertised Remote Utilities as suitable for watching video remotely, there are much more suitable technologies and tools for that.

Regarding Norton, could you please give us more specifics: a screenshot of the detection message would be great.

No sound capture

Conrad, Support (Posts: 2987)
Oct 25, 2018 4:31:14 am EDT

Petar Georgiev wrote:

ok, this argue is pointless. Believe me or not, i've checked few times via both Check for update option in the app and the  download section of the site.

Now can we focus on no sound capturing?

Hi Petar,

Check for update option doesn't check for betas. We wouldn't risk pushing the beta on our customers this ways since many of them use the program in production environment and stability is the key.

Regarding sound capture, we need more information.  Specifically, what exactly are you trying to capture? Is it something played back on the computer (like music) or you are trying to capture microphone input?