Conrad Sallian's community posts
New to Remote Utilities; Cannot Connect
This narrows down the issue to your specific Viewer workstation or connection properties. Make sure that you use correct Internet-ID number or better still - delete the connection entry in your Viewer, restart the Viewer and add a new connection from scratch. Also, you may refer to this list for solutions to potential issues with internet-ID connection:I am using a corporate server, but here's the thing: So it my friend who is able to connect to my Host. He and I are using the same connection, but for some reason, he is able to connect, while I am not.
Hope that helps.
New to Remote Utilities; Cannot Connect
Thank you for your post.
Yes, if a third-party can connect successfully to your Host, then the problem is with most likely on the Viewer it seems to be either a problem with my Viewer or a problem with my outgoing signal.
One question before we proceed - are you using Viewer in a corporate network? I'm asking that because corporate network policies are often very strict and rather block any connections by default than allow them. The Viewer must be able to connect to our intermediary server , at least if you use Internet ID connection type and specify our default server as a relay (this is the default option).
Screen Blank not showing custom URL windows 10
Yes, the blank screen feature works very differently in Windows 8/10. In fact, there is no blank screen, it's just the monitor that is turned off. As you probably noticed, the Host offers you to install a special monitor driver which is required if you need to use the blank remote screen feature with Windows 8/10.
As such, the custom text/html/image option will be discontinued starting the very next update. We will remove the related controls from the Viewer interface in the upcoming update.
Could you please elaborate on this? If screen blanking is off, the remote user should see the monitor, yes. Or did you mean something different?If screen blanking is turned off, the host user sees the screen as normal. I'm guessing this is a bug in the monitor lock driver for windows 10, but I could be wrong. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Looking forward to your reply.
iPad external Bluetooth Keyboard
Thank you for your message.
We were never reported this previously, but we'll check it out.
norton internet security problem
Yet again Symantec reported that they fixed the issue. Could you please confirm?
Mapped network drives not appearing
Could you try switching to the "system" account in File Transfer. See this documentation page.
Let me know if it works for you. Thanks.
Mapped network drives not appearing
Localization: adding new language
Our localized files will be updated with the upcoming version 6.6.
As for European Portuguese, we'll see if we can add this language in addition to the ones already there.
Thank you.
Applying license key on admin but can not automatic on users
Thank you for your post.
Starting version you only have to apply the license key on the Viewer side. You do not have to register remote Hosts. Here is a registration tutorial.I have license key of remote utility and I would like to apply license key on admin and all users AD automatic have license key as well.
You have an outdated version then. Please, update your Viewers and Hosts and try to register the Viewer again. If you can't , feel free to submit a ticket with your license key to us. Please, do not post your license key on the forum.Nowadays, when I apply license key on Viewers on admin and I also have to apply license key on users AD too.
Silent Deployment
Unfortunately, no. At least not in the current version. Due to program architecture some connection modes can go completely unnoticed for the user, that's why we need a reliable "switch" - a 100% way to inform the user that Internet ID is generated on their computer and their PC is now accessible from the outside.On a side note, is it possible for a client to receive an internet ID regardless and move the user prompt to the first connection that's made to the host?
So the host will be ready to connect after install (no prompts) but when the first remote connection is made (when we would probably be on the phone with the user trying to help them, and guide them on what to do) it will prompt them with the one off disclaimer.
This is the very reason why this notification exist. We cannot make Remote Utilities 100% unnoticeable especially when Internet-ID connection is involved. This is a trait of rogue tools. Sorry, we cannot and will not go that path.they wouldn't even notice it being installed