Conrad Sallian's community posts

Mac support?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Dec 12, 2019 4:12:59 pm EST
Hello ,

Viewer for Mac/Linux has been released. Here is a dedicated discussion.

Beta testing: Remote Utilities for macOS/Linux

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Dec 12, 2019 2:34:11 pm EST
Update September 22, 2024: Minor fixes and improvements.

Update July 26, 2024: We have released Remote Utilities Beta 18 for macOS and Linux. A new codec has been added that signficiantly improves speed and performance. You can now switch the quality mode on the fly or in connection properties. See more information about how the new codec works in this blog post (the new codec is available both on Windows and on macOS/Linux version).

The Host for macOS and Linux is in development and is planned for inclusion in the final release.

About key mapping when connecting from a PC to a Mac:
  • The Ctrl key on PC is mapped to the Command key on macOS.
  • The Alt key on PC is mapped to the Option key on macOS.
  • The Shift key functions identically on both OS.
  • The Windows key on PC acts as the Ctrl key on macOS.


 - 26 Jul 2024 05:35:46

Download pages:

Download Viewer & Agent for Mac
Download Viewer & Agent for Linux

The Beta versions come with a core set of functionalities, and we have plans to introduce additional features in upcoming updates.

Included in the most recent Beta:

- Full control and view connection mode
- Direct and Internet-ID connection
- Single password and Remote Utilities security
- Address book in XML format compatible with Windows Viewer
- Multiple address books and address books manager
- Address book sync via RU Server
- Normal and Stretch options for the view mode
- Send Ctrl+Alt+Del
- Displaying remote cursor shape (rendering of Host's cursor)
- Advanced mouse scroll (moving the cursor to screen edges to scroll the picture)
- Fixed issue with RU Security authentication
- Mouse wheel support
- Drag and drop, moving and copying of connections with an address book and across address books
- Fullscreen view option in Full Control and View connection mode
- Automatic reconnect when connection is broken or briefly interrupted
- New codec (nextgen codec) for faster speed and performance. Requires both Viewer and Agent update.
- Improved old codec for faster performance (requires both Viewer and Agent update).
- Automatic quality selection system for the new codec.
- Added support for transferring the mouse pointer shape.

Features to be implemented at subsequent beta stages and the final release:

- File Transfer connection mode
- Clipboard content transfer between local and remote
- Power Control connection mode
- Authentication via RU Server ("Custom Server Security")
- Thumbnail view of connections in the address book
- Viewer log.

Frequently asked questions

Q: How is this Viewer licensed?
A: This beta version for Mac and Linux is licensed the same way as Windows Viewer i.e. it requires a license key. The same license key can be used for all platforms. Agent doesn't require a license.

Q: Can I import my existing address book from Viewer for Windows to Viewer for Mac or Linux?
A: Yes. Simply use the Address Book Manager and specify the path to your address book XML file. Viewer for Windows and Viewer for Mac/Linux use the same address book format.

Q: Can I use RU Server address book sync with Mac/Linux Viewer?
A: Yes, you can. When adding an address book in Mac/Linux Viewer you have an option to choose a remote (synchronized) address book and add your RU Server address.

Feel free to send us your feedback and bug reports.


Reinstall of RU server

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Dec 12, 2019 6:37:43 am EST
Hi Jan,

Yes, exactly. This is the KB article that you need.

Let us know if you need any further assistance.

Stolen OneClick Installer

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Dec 11, 2019 4:20:06 am EST
Hello Bart,

So why do they keep installing it, I wonder?

This is not necessarily people who do that. It could be bots/spiders and even legitimate bots. For example, when you run a check on a file on VirusTotal the file is run/executed in a virtual environment.

Is there any way to trace where the host was installed at all?

If the Host points at your server, the server should keep information about the Host's IP address.

What should I do to protect myself here?

There is one way to protect your server from these "annoying" Hosts - enabling the PIN code feature that was introduced relatively recently. However, the downside is that if you enable PIN on your server your existing Hosts won't connect to it anymore unless you update their settings with that PIN.

Hope that helps.

Mac support?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Dec 10, 2019 3:32:43 am EST
Hello Thomas,

The first beta will see the light in a few days from now. The version in the screenshots is functional and I took the screenshots during the testing. Initially, it will be somewhat stripped and not have all functions that you can see in the Windows Viewer. However, once the Beta 1 is out we'll be gradually adding more features in the following few months. In the end the final Viewer for Mac is going to have virtually same functionality as the Windows Viewer.

When we release Beta 1 we will provide a list of features that we will be including so that you have a better idea of what the final release will be.

In addition, Viewer for Linux will also be released and mirror the functionality of the Viewer for Mac.


Mac support?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Dec 09, 2019 2:09:34 pm EST
Viewer for Mac Beta 1 coming very soon..

 - 09 Dec 2019 02:08:31

 - 09 Dec 2019 02:08:43

 - 09 Dec 2019 02:09:04

Stripped Down Version

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Dec 08, 2019 4:18:10 am EST
Hello Martin,

Thank you for your message.

I understand your point. However, in terms of development, management and licensing this would create unnecessary complexity for us. We would have to support (and develop/track bugs etc.) two products instead of just one whereas now we simply offer one complete solution and five distinct license types (with a free option among them and complete functionality). This makes it easier for our target audience to quickly get started with the program and test/evaluate it.

"Custom Server Security Authorization Error" issue

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 28, 2019 2:06:28 am EST
Hello Aaron,

We have released a server update. You can download it here . Please, update your server installation, restart the computer and see if the issues persist.

Your server settings and data should get migrated to the new installation. But you can back them up just in case beforehand, this article can work as a guide


"Custom Server Security Authorization Error" issue

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 27, 2019 9:42:36 am EST
Hello Aaron,

There were some fixes to RU Server very recently and we currently prepare an update. We are going to release the update in a few days.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Viewer unable to connect to remote hosts since moving to Virginmedia

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 27, 2019 5:12:17 am EST
Hi Paul,

Thank you for the update. Could you please send us both config_4.xml (it doesn't have any personally identifiable information) and your key to .

Also, perhaps we should have asked you to do that in the first place - please make sure you have the most recent version of the software installed. Currently, it's

Looking forward to your reply.