Conrad Sallian's community posts

"Custom Server Security Authorization Error" issue

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 25, 2019 2:10:30 pm EST

I can't change the port, as there are multiple hosts, besides the three that I mentioned, that will stop being able to communicate with the server if I do that.

In the Communication tab you can add a new port, no need to replace or remove existing ports.

Also, getting someone in IT to enable port forwarding for an additional port is not realistic at this point.

You can try 443.

Still, I recommend that you try at least that and see if you can get any results. Meanwhile, we'll be testing it here as well and see if we can reproduce the issue or at least come up with more ideas about why it is happening in your case.

"Custom Server Security Authorization Error" issue

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 25, 2019 1:32:51 pm EST
Hi Aaron,

I think I had read on another post that "auto" chooses custom server security first if that protocol is enabled on the host.

Yes, correct. We also explain that in our documentation, on this page (see the yellow-highlighted area).

and the only thing that I identified that was different about the setup is that the host in question connects to the RU server via the Internet, as opposed to the intranet. But, that doesn't mean that's the cause of the issue.

I can't but agree that this is not necessarily the root cause. Otherwise, we would see multiple complaints here on the forum that the CSS authorization doesn't work when used over the Internet (and this is a very common scenario).

There is one more thing that you can try - change the communication port the server uses or simple add new one and use it with the Host in question (don't forget to also change it on the Host side in the corresponding Viewer connection props).

Viewer unable to connect to remote hosts since moving to Virginmedia

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 25, 2019 1:13:31 pm EST
Hi Paul,

So far the only idea that comes to mind is that either your new ISP and/or your router somehow blocks either the outbound ports used by our Internet-ID connection or public server destination addresses.

The outbound ports used by Internet-ID connection are 5655 and 443 .

"Custom Server Security Authorization Error" issue

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 25, 2019 1:09:08 pm EST
Hello Aaron,

Could you please check if you have either "Auto" or "Custom server security" (in fact I recommend you try both as part of the testing/troubleshooting process) value in the field below in connection properties for the Host in question:

 - 25 Nov 2019 01:08:47

Looking forward to your reply.

Passwords Paste in Windows 10 Logon Screen

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 25, 2019 3:17:17 am EST
Hello Bart,

Thank you for the contribution. We, in turn, will consider adding the functionality into Remote Utilities in the future.

Viewer unable to connect to remote hosts since moving to Virginmedia

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 25, 2019 3:11:55 am EST
Hello Paul,

Thank you for your message.

Am I right assuming that the issue is on the Viewer side? I.e. you changed ISP on the side where the Viewer is and your remote Hosts are not visible anymore?

Before looking further into the problem could you please flush your DNS cache on the Viewer computer just in case. You can use this command:
ipconfig /flushdns
in the command line interface.

Starter licence

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 21, 2019 8:53:01 am EST
Hello Drideanu,

Thank you for your message.

Also I read on the forum that the I can't add multiple starter licences to one viewer.

Actually, you can. However, this won't increase the number of remote computers you can control. In order to be able to control more machines you need to change the license type. For example, in order to control 20-50 machines your license type should be Mini, not Starter.  

So if you are the only admin working the software at a time and you have more than 20 and less than 50 computers to control then you need a 1-tech Mini license. You can get a quotation from us using this form

Hope that helps.

How to change agent server with different IP address

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 11, 2019 12:39:51 pm EST
Hello Rob,

The Internet-ID settings (including the server details) are located on each Host machine. It is possible to update them without actually re-installing the Host. However, this will need to be done one-by-one for each Host (e.g. using the remote settings).

Alternatively, you can use the re-installation method - you don't necessarily have to have GPO environment for that. You can use the Remote Install tool and update the Host using that tool.  Here is the process:

1. Build your custom Host installer ("Standard" option, i.e. an .msi file) with which to update your remote Hosts. Make sure that you specify your server details during configuration. To avoid changing your existing internet-ID codes your configuration window in Step 3 should look like this:

 - 11 Nov 2019 12:28:02

2. Use the Remote Install tool to "push" the Host update file to your existing Hosts and replace them. You must have connectivity with your remote Hosts. Your Remote Install window should look like this:

 - 11 Nov 2019 12:30:47

In the "Specify Host msi package" specify the path to your newly configured msi package. Then click "Process action".

Note, that you can also select multiple Hosts to be updated. However, I highly recommend that you first try this procedure with one non-critical Host to make sure that you use correct settings. Even after that I suggest you only update your Hosts in small groups, preferably no more than 10 hosts in a group.

3. Update your Viewer connection properties accordingly for each Host. You'll need to change the Internet-ID server details from "default" to your server details. Again, you can multiple-select connections in your address book and update server details for all of them.

Hope that helps.

Remote View Event Viewer

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 05, 2019 1:04:57 pm EST
Hello Jeff,

We apologize for that overreaction. Of course you can post links to Microsoft documentation, as well as to any other non-competing tools.

Thank you for helping other users here in the community.

Self hosted server max connections?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Nov 05, 2019 6:55:37 am EST
Hello Matti,

Thank you for your message.

No, there is no limit. The 1000 hosts limit that you mention is currently only an interface limitation which will be fixed soon.

Let me know if you have other questions.