Conrad Sallian's community posts

Upgrade host (eg, v6.10.10.0 - v7.1.2.0) free license keep internet ID

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Feb 07, 2022 7:49:28 am EST
Hi John,

Actually, there are only three options:

1. Simple update. You don't have to download anything. "Simple update" is just a command sent from Viewer to the remote Host that tells the Host to update itself. Everything else is done behind the scenes. Host connects to our  update servers, downloads the package and updates itself.

2. Using the Remote Install tool. Feed the Host msi vanilla package to it, and select the Update option. The difference between this method and the Simple update method is that the update package is transferred from the Viewer computer to the Host computer and you need to make sure that this is indeed the latest Host package. That's why we always recommend the Simple update method because it guarantees that Host is updated to the latest version.

3. Manually by running the Host exe or msi vanilla package on the Host computer. This is self-explanatory.

Are you saying that all of these will preserve the Internet ID and Password? (MSI Configurator if I don't click to se t (sic) set those.)

Any method where the vanilla package is used preserves the Internet-ID and Password. In Simple update the vanilla package is used by default, you can't change it. And it's the most recent host version, so this is the preferred and the simplest way to update.

I don't use Simple install. First of all, I can't tolerate changes in procedure (based on new features and new changes) that often. And upgrading just one host, means I have to upgrade the viewer (probably), which means i have to upgrade all past and current hosts (probably).

Before you update any Hosts you first update the Viewer, regardless of the method you choose. This is the general rule. Besides, for Simple update to work Viewer must be the newer version in order to be able to recognize that Hosts are outdated and offer you an update.

In the update guide we showed the simplest way to quickly update your Viewer and remote Hosts and keep all your settings. You don't have to update all the Hosts at once, you can update them one by one or in small groups (the preferred way).

Hope that helps.

BitDefender - problems with Host version

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Feb 06, 2022 7:48:34 am EST
Hi Werner,

Thank you for your support. The more BD customers report the problem to them, the better.

Exit full-screen on Mac?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Feb 05, 2022 4:45:00 pm EST

Thank you for your message.

Unfortunately, no dedicated shortcuts yet except those standard for macOS, such as Globe + F, and the green expand button.

 - 05 Feb 2022 04:44:50

 - 05 Feb 2022 04:44:50

Free License Email Does Not Appear?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Feb 05, 2022 10:11:51 am EST

Secure Space Storage wrote:

I also did not receive the email when I used the form to generate a free license key and also when I try the license key recovery form.  I know my email is working, so is there another way to get a key?  Thanks.


It could possibly be a mail error issue. In order to figure it out we must know the email address to look up the mail logs.

You can send us your email address to and we'll look up the logs for you.


Upgrade host (eg, v6.10.10.0 - v7.1.2.0) free license keep internet ID

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Feb 05, 2022 9:54:18 am EST

john kumpf wrote:

This works for the .msi and the .exe? Eg, host7.1.2.0.msi and host7.1.2.0.exe?

Hi John,

If you are going to use the Remote Install tool method, you should use the msi package.

Please, note that using a custom-built Host package is only necessary if you update the host version AND change some if its settings.

However, if you want to just update the Host version, use the Simple update feature. Remote Install method can also be used in which case you should feed the vanilla Host msi to the path field.

Hope that helps.

using remote install I get Host files not found! - 2

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Feb 05, 2022 9:48:26 am EST
Hi John,

I removed all the spawned topics and left the first one undeleted for now, for our webmaster to investigate. Thanks for letting us know.

(instructions don't explicitly say the path there is a local path; could be a remote path? I tried both--same result.)

Yes, it should be a local path or a network path, if the file is located on a remote machine directly accessible via a Windows network.

The remote machine is Windows Server 2019 running installed host v6.10.10.0.

Could you provide a screenshot of the Remote Install window with the options that you selected before you clicked Process Action?

Notification in bottom right

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Feb 05, 2022 9:38:44 am EST
Hi John,

Yes, the banner/alert can be clicked through. Besides, in the next update we are going to make it visible on the Host side only (Windows 10/11) and invisible in the Full Control window on the Viewer side.

BitDefender - problems with Host version

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Feb 05, 2022 9:25:26 am EST

There is a discussion on BitDefender forum:

In case they delete my reply and ban me from their forum, which is likely, here is a screenshot of my reply there:

 - 05 Feb 2022 09:24:02

I encourage other BitDefender customers to visit the link above and leave your comments. I will pin this tread for now.

BitDefender - problems with Host version

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Feb 04, 2022 4:26:26 am EST
Hi David,

We tried to contact them too but they keep giving template answers. For example, Microsoft removed a similar false positive detection within a day in Windows Defender.

BitDefender antivirus free edition false positive

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3074)
Feb 03, 2022 10:05:54 am EST
Hi John,

Thank you for your support!

Also of note: when I restored the file from quarantine, somehow it now has security permissions that I can not access it. I've spend 2 hours on the web, but it's clearly something deeply behind the scenes that none of these posts even address. It looks like it's owned by me and and I have full permissions, but when I try to run it, I get still access denied. It looks like I can change permissions, but when I try, everything's grayed out.

Could it possibly be that BitDefender changes the permissions on a quarantined file? Unfortunately, their restoring guide doesn't mention anything of the sort.